
In a pissy mood
Have been for a solid .. dosent matter how long since I saw what I saw
Everything is always a double standard
Nobody can be held accountable for shit when somebody's holding your hand nonstop
It's literally the same bullshit all the time I'm over it
Officially utterly over it
Not sure how I'm supposed to forget stuff but thanks for permission to do so.
What your doing is disgusting
It's also honestley embarrassing clearly for a lot of people
The light at the end of the tunnel is here
Got my ticket on the train that's going out of the tunnel
Rip it up? Or keep looking out the window to what's clearly walked away?
Looking out the window at a future that stamped it's self onto a new train instead of the one it was on?
What's the point
Clearly none of it matters to anyone anyway
Better off without me
That's a proven point
I guess keep on going cause , why not right ?
Time to let go of things im waiting for cause again what's the point
What's the point in this post ? The same
Worthless just like the writer πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ€™πŸ½

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