I'd Like You To Meet My Dreem Teem

During one of the dreemport's challenge, we were to chose our teem member. One of my teem member is a blogger, while the other two are non-bloggers. So, I will introduce them to you all in this post.

Meet My Dream Team.jpg

Photo by midam

I'd like to introduce my partner who is also my son's dad. We were in a long term relationship for a number of years.

As with many couples, we had periods of misunderstandings and conflicts that took a toll over time. We reached a breaking point that resulted in a difficult separation. Relationships are complex, and even loving ones can unravel when issues go unresolved.

However, once some time had passed, we both realized we cared too deeply to leave things broken between us. Though hurt had been caused, we still shared a meaningful bond underneath it all.

So we made the choice to try repairing things by having vulnerable, honest communication. This healing process meant better understanding behaviors that trigger reactions so we could manage conflicts with more wisdom. We continue seeking help to build relationship skills that support harmony.

It remains an ongoing journey with highs and lows. But having a partner who shows up consistently and puts in the hard work makes the effort worthwhile. I appreciate his openness during tough talks and his patience when emotions run high.

Our relationship may never be perfect. Yet our shared vision is not giving up, but rather nurturing care and understanding day to day. By actively building resilience together, our hope is weathering whatever comes in healthier ways moving forward.

I’m thankful he remains committed to this path with me. With conscious effort from both, I believe we can knit back together what has been torn.

My mom is an invaluable part of my dream team because of the unparalleled daily support she gives me. I tend to be someone who plays things close to the vest rather than openly talking about personal matters. Despite my natural reserve, my mom actively provides care in a way that suits me perfectly.

For example, when I am heads-down working intently on pivotal projects, my mom goes above and beyond to ensure I can maintain laser focus without getting sidetracked. From dealing with minor household issues herself so I'm not interrupted, to bringing snacks right to my desk, she anticipates and fulfills my practical needs behind-the-scenes. Her understanding of what helps keep me fully immersed makes hitting major milestones much more attainable.

Additionally, even though I may not vocalize concerns weighing me down, my mom continuously uplifts me in her daily prayers on my behalf. Those heartfelt supplications before God sustain and strengthen me in profound ways - I know with certainty that she stands in the gap petitioning for my purpose to be fulfilled especially when I lack clarity or conviction myself.

The empathy, care, and encouragement my mom unassumingly provides every single day sustains me to keep pursuing my biggest dreams. Without demanding lengthy conversations first, she intuits and delivers precisely what I require to stay the course with confidence and positvity when obstacles arise. That unparalleled support system grounded in selfless love is why my mom is the bedrock of my teem.

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