Death Of Our Life

(in the eyes of science)
One day after the burial i.e. exactly 24 hours later, a group of worms become active in the intestines of the human being, which starts coming out of the dead person's faeces.
An unbearable stench begins to spread along,
Which actually invite their fellow insects.

As soon as this announcement is made, the scorpions and all the insects start moving towards the human body and start eating the human flesh.

After 3 days of burial, the condition of the nose first begins to change.
After 6 days the nails start falling off.
After 9 days the hair starts to fall out.
There is no hair left on the human body and the stomach begins to bloat.
After 17 days the stomach ruptures and other components start coming out.
After 60 days, all the flesh is gone from the dead body. Not a single piece of herb remains on the human body.
After 90 days, all the bones begin to separate from each other.
After a year, the bones decay.
And finally, the person who was buried ends his existence.
So, my friends, pride, arrogance, greed, greed, pride, enmity, envy, malice, irritation, honor, dignity, name, position, kingdom,
Where does it all go?
Everything turns to dust

What is the status of man?
Made of soil, buried in soil becomes soil.
A five or six feet person goes to the grave and becomes nameless.
A proud walker in the world,
Despising others
Ruler of the world
As it enters the grave, its status remains only "dirt".

Therefore, man should think every moment to make his eternal and eternal life beautiful and peaceful.
Allah should be remembered,
One should develop sincerity in every good deed and worship
You should pray for a happy end!
May Allah grant me and all of you the tawfiq of action. AmenšŸ¤²

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