Survivor's Anthem

In lands of poverty and strife,
Where hunger and disease rife,
A tale of resilience and might,
Is born in the hearts of the light.

Amidst the rubble and the dust,
Where survival is a daily must,
They rise with courage in their hearts,
Defying the odds and making a start.

With hands that labor, and feet that roam,
They forge ahead and call their home,
The place where hope still has a chance,
And dreams can take a leap of dance.

With strength of spirit and will so strong,
They fight for their families all day long,
And find a way to make it through,
With laughter and love in everything they do.

So hear the song of the survivors' grace,
With courage shining in every face,
For they are the heroes of this land,
And they shall forever stand.

Dedicated to everyone out there trying their best to make honest living

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