Requiem por Lecumberre. (es/en) Requiem for Lecumberre.

Ayer al leer el post de @josemalavem, titulado “un poeta se nos ha ido”, recibí la triste noticia de la partida física de nuestro amigo @Lecumberre, quien se mantuvo activo hasta el final de sus días.

Siempre recordaremos su pasión por HIVE, por la familia, la música, y la docencia. Su obra nos deleitaba tanto como los comentarios que hacía, donde estaba latente su profundo humanismo y bondad.
Ha sido una sensible pérdida, la noticia me llevó a escribir las siguientes decimas, como un modesto homenaje a quien fue un ejemplo de grandeza y optimismo:

Requiem por Lecumberre.

Hoy el alma se ha nublado,
La lluvia copiosa empieza
Nos embarga la tristeza:
Lecumberre se ha marchado.
Huella profunda ha dejado,
De su andar somos testigos,
Sus actos fueron abrigos
De razones concebidas,
Como corceles sin bridas
Bendiciendo a los amigos.

Su andar preciso y fecundo
En su siembra de alegrías,
Fue perfumando los días
Al pasar por este mundo.
Su sentimiento profundo
De músico educador,
Irradiaba con candor
Hacia confines diversos:
Hoy le regalo mis versos
Como una preciada flor.

Lecumberre, tu existencia
No termina, tú has quedado,
Tu obra ha iluminado
Al mundo de la sapiencia,
Tu música y tu docencia
Dejaron una honda huella,
Hicieron tu vida bella
Resplandeciendo en tu ser:
Siempre te podremos ver
En el brillo de tu estrella.

Muchas gracias por haber leído, quedaré muy agradecido con sus comentarios.
Las fotos fueron tomadas de Texto traducido al inglés por DeepL Traslate.

ENGLISH VERSION (clik here!)

Yesterday while reading @josemalavem's post, titled "a poet is gone", I received the sad news of the physical departure of our friend @Lecumberre, who was active until the end of his days.

We will always remember his passion for HIVE, family, music, and teaching. His work delighted us as much as the comments he made, where his deep humanism and kindness was latent.
It has been a sensitive loss, the news led me to write the following decimas, as a modest tribute to who was an example of greatness and optimism:

Requiem for Lecumberre.

Today the soul is clouded,
The heavy rain begins
We are overcome with sadness:
Lecumberre is gone.
He has left a deep mark,
Of his walk we are witnesses,
His acts were shelters
Of reasons conceived,
Like steeds without bridles
Blessing friends.

His precise and fruitful gait
In his sowing of joys,
Perfumed the days
As they passed through this world.
His deep feeling
Of educating musician,
Radiated with candor
Towards diverse confines:
Today I give him my verses
Like a precious flower.

Lecumberre, your existence
Does not end, you have remained,
Your work has illuminated
The world of wisdom,
Your music and your teaching
Left a deep mark,
They made your life beautiful
Shining in your being:
We can always see you
In the brightness of your star.

Thank you very much for reading, I will be very grateful with your comments.
The photos were taken from Text translated into English by DeepL Traslate.

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