Cameroon TEACHERS join Teachers All over world to celebrate world Teacher's Day, on the theme; "Valuing Teachers Voices a new social contract for education".


I am Mnkong Emmanuel Saah, a former teacher, now a Journalist of the print Media. And I am a resident of the Bamenda City in the North West Region of Cameroon. Teacher's Day celebration has been marred in my region and all of the anglophone regions since 2017, a year after the onset of the sociopolitical upheavals in the Anglophone section of the Country in 2016, with the separatists demanding for a separate and autonomous entity. However this has dragged for so many years putting the teacher at a risk of service. Thus Teacher's Day celebration in this part of the Country and world remains illusional. Teachers can't come out in their numbers in this part of the world to celebrate this unique day set aside for the celebration of the enormous services teachers render to the society. ( Let's pray for a lasting dialogue that can put a halt to this appalling situation, so that Teachers can exercise their rights that has been taken away for close to eight years since the anglophone crisis began ) On the other hand their counterparts of the Francophone regions of Cameroon come out in their numbers to celebrate this unique day. Meanwhile the Anglophone sections do it passively or timidly in highly secured locations or areas under tight security, while some institutions get through to their colleagues through zoom.


However, Teachers in Cameroon, join their counterparts all over the globe to celebrate world Teacher's Day, today October 5th, 2024, marking the 30th edition of the Teacher's Day celebration, on the theme 'Valuing Teachers Voices, a social contract for education". The question I ask is; who is a teacher and why should he/she, or the day be celebrated. Let's find it out on the following analysis.
A teacher by definition is a person, who provides education for people; one who teaches or instructs. The role of a teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education. And broadly speaking, the function of the teacher is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them, and by setting up a situation in which students or pupils can learn effectively. But teachers fill a complex set of roles, which vary from one society to another and from one educational level to another.
Thus a day is set aside not only to recognize teachers tireless efforts but also to underscore the transformative power of education. Teacher's Day therefore serves as vibrant tribute, uniting students and educators in heartfelt appreciation for the invaluable impact of teaching.
By concept Teacher's Day celebration, stretch out, as far back as 1962, when Dr. Radha Krishnam became the president of India. And when a few students visited him and requested to celebrate his birthday on september 5th. However, he suggested that the students dedicate the day to Teachers. Thus September 5, started being observed as Teachers Day in India. And the world celebrates Teacher's Day a month later, on October 5th.


The teaching profession has been considered a noble profession because Teachers teach all other professions. Teachers mould the minds of the next generations, shaping minds, nurturing potentials inspiring students to leave the classroom with confidence and passion for leaving.
Infact, Abdul Kalam once said that " Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber and the future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me".
Noble professions are bound by strict ethical codes, requiring professionals, to act with honesty, integrity and fairness. The ethical commitment is essential for maintaining public trust and ensuring actions align with welfare of those served. Teachers provide guidance and support to students beyond academic subjects.
They often act as mentors, mentoring the students and thus become role models. Mentoring can have a positive or negative impact on the students. Mentoring is a way a teacher encourages students to be the best they can. This also includes encouraging students to enjoy learning. By taking time to listen to what students say, teachers impart to students a sense of ownership in the classroom. This help build confidence and helps them want to be Successful. Teachers do not think of themselves as role models, however, inadvertently they are. Students spend a great deal of time with their teachers and therefore, the teacher becomes a role model to them. This can be positive or negative depending on how they teach the children, but also to love and care for them. Teachers are typically highly respected by people of the Community and therefore become a role model to students and parents. (however the society nevertheless value their worth in terms of renumeration and others ).
And that notwithstanding, teachers look for signs of trouble in the students. Teachers act as protector to the students. They are taught to look for signs of trouble in their students. When students behaviours change or if physical signs of are noticed, teachers are required to look into the problem. Teachers must follow faculty procedures when it comes to following up on all signs of trouble.


Today being Teachers Day, I want us to also see how Teacher's voice contribute to the overall teaching procedure and what value the society attached to the teaching profession.
It should be understood that in education, teacher's voice refers to values, opinions, beliefs, perspectives, expertise, and cultural backgrounds of teachers working in a school; which extends to teachers unions, professional organizations, and other entities that advocate for teachers.
It should also be noted that the Teacher's voice is very important in the teaching profession. Infact simply putting your tone of voice as a teacher helps establish authority, create a structured learning environment, and set the tone for the class in terms of behavior, engagement and even your rapport with your students. Wherefore Teacher's talk time refers to the amount of time the teacher spends speaking to provide instructions, explanation, and model correct language use; excessive TTT can hinder students active participation and language. Teachers take control in the process and minimize flaws in the teaching profession. Teachers make sure that their Voices are intelligently, accessible, motivational, assertive and effective. The teacher's voice can affect learning since the teacher's vocal expression ( appropriate pitch, loudness, and their variation), can help the learner identify the main points on the speech.


With the above afforemetioned analysis, I want to draw our attention to the theme of the Teacher's Day celebration and to highlight the concept of " social contract for education ".
At the heart of social contract, theoritically; is the cause and effect relationship between choices and consequences. If students make certain choices, the teacher is given the responsibility by contract to implement a consequence. A social contract, therefore is simply when a group of people agree to give up certain rights and accept a central authority in order to protect their other rights. The social contract is what allows any government to work, but it's important to note that government and social contract are two different things. Teachers are therefore called to understand that starting off the school year with a classroom social contract is a good way to let their students know what is going to be expected of them in the coming weeks and months of the school year and what the consequences will be, if they do not follow the rules.
It should be worth noting that the main idea of social contract is theoritically, nearly as old as philosophy itself, and this is the view that a person's moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live thus a need for renewing social contract for education.
Let me draw our attention to the Teacher's Day celebration before coming back to discuss what the governments of the globe and UNESCO is doing or needs to do to reevaluate the principles and foundation that underpin education under the social contract for education.


Today October 5th, 2024, the teachers of Cameroon join the global mobilisation calling on governments every where to value the voice of teachers, invest in the profession, and in quality public education, under the theme " Valuing teacher voices; towards a new social contract for education".
It is glaringly clear that the governments all over the World with the exception of isolated few governments of the globe, the teachers are overworked, undervalued and underpaid for the complex services they render in the teaching/learning process as Teachers of the profession. It is worth noting that Teachers are more and more leaving the profession they love ( noble profession), and that the world needs. The case study of my Country Cameroon where there is a mass emigration of teachers leaving the Country to other Countries looking for greener Pastures in other professions elsewhere. At the same time, few young people aspire to become teachers. The result is a global shortage of over 44 million teachers, a crisis that puts the right to education at risk. This has prompted a global call to strengthen the profession.
Cameroon's Teachers today therefore joins the world on this Teachers Day to highlight the need to establish a more robust social dialogue with Teachers everywhere. The 2024 Teachers Day celebration focuses on " Valuing teacher voices a new social contract for education". The theme of this day underscores the urgency of engaging with teachers all over the world to address the challenges teachers faced while exercising their duties in the profession. But most importantly, to acknowledge and benefit from the expert knowledge and input they bring to education.
The clarion call goes to teachers to all join the global mobilisation calling on all governments to engage in meaningful social dialogue with the profession. Teachers are therefore expected to add their voices by speaking up on social media network to make their voices heard. Social media platforms like facebook, twitter, instagram, etc making sure they use the #WorldTeachesDay in every posts they write. A post like this one, is an example:
This #WorldTeachersDay, we call on all governments to " listen to Teachers, strengthen social dialogue with the profession.
#Gopublic #FundEducation and invest in Teachers!
The Voices that guide students everywhere need to be heard when education policy is made.
This #World TeachersDay call on your governments to:
Listen to Teachers and boost social dialogue with the profession.
GoPublic #FundEducation and invest in Teachers.
Teachers could also print and display the posters in their school, union and Community.
Meanwhile it is alleged that Education International calls for immediate release of Palestinian teacher union activist Fatima Nimer AI - Rimawi. Call to action " Free Fatima AI RIMAWI ".
Let's know that Trade union Rights are Human are human Rights. Don't shut your mouths to demand justice for Teachers whose rights have been taken from them. Let's stand one for all, as teachers to make our voices heard by our governments.
Teachers need to be at the center or heart of global sustainability and this should be an urgent call for reform.
Teachers should be respected and paid for a healthy society. So standards and working conditions of teachers should be improved upon, to let them meet with growing world's challenges.
Inorder to make a worker valuable, Education International on the 27th, September, 2024, joined the global unions in demanding Israel to pay wages owed to over 200.000 workers.



It is should be noted here that the management of Cameroonian Education System is at the heart of a growing controversy. And the government of Cameroon is expected to seek lasting dialogue to avert the already tensed situation. While celebrating the Teacher's Day, Teachers are calling on the government to meet their demands and implement reforms that will stabilize the dwindling Education System. Just a couple of months ago, Teachers trade union had made several demands for the government to sanction urgently. These concerns both the secondary and basic education with requests aimed at improving Teachers working conditions and renumeration. In secondary education, the demands include the payment of salary supplements, the alignment of housing allowances, as well as the regularization of promotions and family benefits.
For basic education, Teachers are calling for Swift handling of new teachers, their administrative integration by August 2022, as well as the related financial effects, particularly for general education teacher's and contract Teachers.
(In response to Teachers demands, the government of Cameroon has emphasized that the government will ensure the strict implement of the reforms. And that an execution schedule has been put in place so that each measure is scrupulously followed. The head of government reaffirmed the authorities commitment to collaborate with the trade union to guarantee a better future for the Cameroonian Education System. * Source; Facebook )
If government can meet up with the realization of the promises in the face of growing expectations of education professionals and students, it will be a great milestone in improving the education system, thus Valuing Teachers and giving them the place they deserve.



In the face of the growing controversy, and the social contract for education.
What will it take for governments, schools, and society at large to renew the social contract for education?
The core UNESCO work on renewing education is steering reflection to forge a new contract for education, then shape the future, meeting the needs of humanity and the planet. The new social contract should be grounded in two fundamental principles; an exapanded right to Education throughout life, and the strengthening of education as a public and common goal. It's not an abandonment of all that have been collectively learned and experienced about education so far. It is by actively engaging in the dialogue and practice to build a new social contract for education to make just, equitable sustainable future possible. UNESCO aims to provoke reflection and catalyze public dialogue with the aim of exploring new avenues for policy development and innovative actions to renew education so that it truly prepares all learners to invest a better future.
Therefore a new social contract for education is a milestone on a road stretching into the future of the eductional system.
The reflection on social contract for education must be guided by some key principles for dialogue and action, regarding certain aspects of teaching and learning.

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