Mobile - referrals, delegation, comment caching and more

Ecency mobile app just got better with bunch of new changes and improvements. In this release, we have created long waited Referrals screen, Improved delegations screen, Commenting cache, Ecency start to speak Arabic as well and more. Read on to learn more about changes.

What's new

  • Referrals screen, you can now find people who joined with your referrals and view how much you have earned and pending rewards in Referrals screen, delegate to friends who joined after your invite, of course copy and share your link easily.
  • Delegation improved, beside adding Delegate HP in your referrals list, screen overall got much easier to use and delegate. You can search for user, write amount or use slider to choose amount. See if you have already delegated to use, update it, overall experience got much better.
  • Comment caching, now everytime you make a comment they are visible instant, we have implemented smart caching mechanism to keep your comments visible right away, better and swift user experience.
  • User mentions on Editor, just like on, now on mobile app you can also quickly mention people while typing in @username, you will be shown suggestion list and can select account easily.
  • Editor page also got tooltip info that shows some info about loading drafts when visited for the first time.
  • Select multiple images from Uploaded Images, your images gallery can be organized bit better now. You can select multiple images to insert into your post, delete them in one go if needed.
  • Embedded videos playback, we have improved and made some changes to make sure videos play consistent for Android and iOS. Due to some limitations Android SDK which doesn't support native embeds, we using popup playback like before but others will view them within post body.
  • Arabic language enabled, أهلا بك (Marhaba)
  • Fixed dropdown touch bug on Settings page
  • Actionsheets replaced with Optionsmodal
  • Text justify fixed on some devices
  • Fixed long communities descriptions
  • Fixed join community bug
  • Fixed voting slider value
  • Fixed image sizes in tables
  • Language files updated
  • Many more bug fixes and improvements, 😊 In this release (643 commits) 🚀

If you are React Native developer, feel free to join and help developing features we all love using, our mobile application is opensource.

Join mobile translation team:
31 languages already enabled on Ecency mobile app, thanks to our awesome contributors.

Stay tuned, stay excited, stay united! Don't forget to share news with your friends.

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Delegate HP and earn Ecency Points + curation reward daily + help us onboard more people:

500 HP | 1000 HP | 5000 HP | 10K HP | 20K HP | 50K HP

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