Welcome to Coin

As I promised the other day I have yet another money making app to write about. This one is probably familiar to some of you, it's called "Coin" and it basically pays you for location data.

At least at its most basic level that's what it does. The app calls it "geomining." The user collects tiny amounts of "coin" everytime he enters a new square on the map.

There are actually several ways to make coin.

You can do surveys, which promise to give huge rewards. I have found that more often than not I don't qualify for the surveys. Usually I get little consolation prizes but it doesn't seem worth the time.

You can also play certain games and get rewarded for meeting certain challenges or playing for different levels. I don't play anything other than Pokémon Go so this isn't really am option for me.

I'm not yet familiar with the other three though I do occasionally get ads from local stores I pass by for about 20 coin each.

The main ways I've been getting coin is travel. Every time I drive around town (which is way too much) I set my app to mine automatically. I also set the destination in the app so that I get a big "geodrop" at the end. This is called "gamified travel."

I usually have it set to open exploration but apparently you can gain coin by setting step count goals. Or doing mental exercises. I have yet to try either.

You can also get coin by being one of the first 200 to tap on one of these "big geomines" to "witness" it.

You can earn coin even when the app is off. But this only works for three hours and you have to "charge" these background rewards by using the app at a ratio of 1.5 hours for 3 hours of background rewards.

There are also various daily and weekly claims as well as ads that can get more coins. If it seems complicated that's because it is. If you are committed to learning all the ins and outs I'm sure you will be rewarded.

With what? You ask.

Well. Once you have enough coin you can trade it in for some legit crypto.

Or for other rewards:

It's going to be an insanely long time before I can get a reward, but hey, all I have is time.

If you're interested, it's definitely an app worth checking out. Use my link to sign up and we both get something! No idea what lol

Anywho, this is probably the last post I'll make about these kinds of apps. Back to my regular schedule of interesting stuff. 😂






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