A Few New Things To Make a Few Coin

I am getting pretty desperate with this inflation hitting us. So desperate that I'm actually downloading random apps for money.

The first is called "Atlas: Earth". I'm not going to lie, it's pretty meh.

In this "game" you purchase plots of land and get "rent" off of them. When you hit $5 you can cash out or buy another plot of land. This sounds pretty cool and all, until you look at the rents:

Now I'm all for getting tiny amounts of money accrued every day over time, if I wasn't, I wouldn't be on Hive. But Hive is actually fun. The rents listed above are base rents, if you want to boost your rent you have to watch ads. Each video boosts your rent 30x for an hour. You are of course limited to five hours, so every five hours you have to watch five more ads.

As you can see I have three plots so far after four days of "playing." I could always buy more, right?

Well, not really. It's 100 "bucks" for one plot.

And 100 "bucks" costs?

Yep, $4.99. So, spend $4.99, get $0.00009504 per day. Even if you managed to get the 30x boost every hour of the day you get $0.0028512 per day. That means you would have to play perfectly for 1750.14029180695 days (nearly 5 years) to get your return on investment.

I have $0.03 after a few days, but that's only because I have a special plot. Special plots are random, so I guess that adds a little bit of fun?

Is there a way to get "bucks" without spending your own bucks? Yes. Ads....

You can watch an ad every 20 minutes for 2...count em 2 "bucks". So 50 videos and that plot is yours.

You can spin for "bucks" as well. But you are limited to six spins a day and you have to collect diamonds from the map in order to get your spins. Oh, and only three of those six spins are free, the other three? Ads. Yes.... So many ads....

If I have sold you on this one, you can try it with my referral link, we'll both get some bucks... Maybe... or use O5KG1G in the referral box.

Stay tuned on Wednesday (probably) for a review of the "Coin" app. It seems to be a bit better. Use my link here if you are interested in trying it out with me before my review.






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