Mint: #3

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The Mint Home

“Hey, girls!” Mento shouted as he caught up to the three remaining Pepper sisters. His wife, Mentă followed along to help.

The sisters slowed and turned, rolling their eyes. The Mint family had a gentle, patient disposition that was foreign to the Peppers. It was actually rather humiliating to them to exude such meekness.

“Heh, thanks for slowing down!” Mento said, rubbing his lower muscles. “My back’s been giving me some trouble.”

Mentă caught up to him. “It’s because your posture is terrible!” She pushed her hand against his spine, forcing him upright. He stood as straight as he could, for a Mint, though you couldn’t tell much of a difference.

“I’ve noticed you all seem a little shaken recently. Especially you, Pimenta. Is there something going on?” Mento asked lovingly to the fiery trio.

“Hey, maybe you should mind your own business instead of snooping into others’!” Pim shot back. She felt a twinge of guilt, realizing that she sounded exactly like B’zar, but she shook it off quickly.

Mento sighed. “Well, you all look very nice today.” He smiled, turning his head to each of them, admiring how lovely they always made the garden look with their colorful selves.

He and his wife turned and walked away, knowing full well what was going on, but taking the hint that their help wasn't wanted.

The Mints were the kindest of the garden. They were the first to be planted by Amani, more specifically Mento and Mentă, who were married. This gave them the responsibility of welcoming each newcomer. For this reason, everyone had a certain respect for them- even the Peppers, although they would never admit it. They were also the wisest of the garden.

The Mints were made up of Mento, Mentă, and of course - their cat, Munt. Munt was an…interesting cat. His plant would often gravitate towards the wild-growing catnip near the garden, causing some very stimulating effects. On top of that, he always had a very alluring, almost musical “Meeeooowww.” He was a very odd, but welcome addition to the Garden.

Then there was Zekka - Mento and Menta’s daughter. She was another very rebellious type, similar to Bżar. This comparison is what drew Mento and Mentă to try to help the Pepper sisters. Maybe they could help them where they themselves had felt they failed.

Similarly to Bżar, Zekka had a sort of dedication to chaos, though in a different way. She rejected the peaceful nature of her parents, becoming a kind of warrior, labeling herself a Samurai. No one exactly knew how she learned to fight, but her skill was very apparent. Often she would wander the garden, looking for invasive species of plants to cut down. Soon, she graduated to exterminating mice and insects and other troublesome critters. There were even times when she left the Garden to search for more to conquer. Many times, after long weeks of being missing, her parents thought her gone for good. But she always eventually returned. Be that as it may, her parents hated this lifestyle for the heartbreak it caused them.

They were slow to challenge her and her choices, however, worrying she would permanently leave if she knew how they didn't support her.

One evening, she returned to the Mint cottage, carrying the head of a fire ant. She threw it onto their makeshift table (causing her mom to gag) and plopped down in a chair in the corner.

“What’s for dinner, Ma,” she challenged, unashamedly.

Mentă looked over at Mento in distress, signaling with her eyes to go and talk to her. He let out a breath nervously.

“Honey,” he said as he sat in the chair across from his daughter. “Your mom and I need to tell you something that you probably won't like.”

Zekka's eyebrows raised while keeping the same placid, disinterested face.

“You cannot keep doing this Samurai act. We worry about you and your safety- and on top of that, you're hurting the natural environment and way of life of every creature living in this garden.” He took a shaky breath and looked at Menta for strength. “And also, your mannerisms are very disrespectful towards me and your mother. So I'm asking you from the bottom of my heart; stop fighting and stop pulling away from us.”

Her eyebrows drew together as she took a moment of consideration. But then she immediately stood up, saying nothing and walking away.

“Zekka, please!” her father cried out.

“Meeeooowwwwww,” Munt let out as she walked by. He tried to snuggle up to her leg, but was welcomed with a sharp kick. “Meeeooooo-ARW!” He yelped as she propelled him into the corner.

“Zekka!” her mom gasped, appalled.

Her daughter made no response. She left the small home, and hadn’t been seen by the family for weeks. Her parents remained hopeful for their daughter's eventual return, just as she always had.

The married couple sat on the small stump of a cut down stem, thinking about their last interaction with their daughter, and watching as the Pepper girls walked off. Mentă rested her head on Mento’s shoulder.

“In spite of the crazy stuff we go through in this ever-changing garden, I'm happy to have you by my side, Mento. I love you,” his wife proclaimed to him.

“I love you, too.”

They smiled at each other and shared a kiss.

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Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Images either belong to DreemPort or were created using MidJourney

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