He's been a handful and a Blessing

When I set out on my trip to Puerto Rico I would've never thought that I would've spent so much time watching over a little kitten.

Yet that's exactly what I did. I came here with a "go with the flow" attitude, and that's exactly what I've done. This little fellow came to us weak, and in need of some attention.

I had no clue of the commitment I had undertaken. Yet watching him get better and stronger has been a blessing. I've had kittens before, but never one this young.

This little guy can be as demanding, as he is loving.

Similar to younger children. He too gets fussy when he's tired, and explaining to him that it's time for a nap is impossible. Though a few protests are to be expected. It's only for a minutes before he passes out.

It's taken some creativity finding ways to entertain him.

Though as he's been progressing so has his curiosities.

The biggest challenge is that he wants to be by my side. he's so tiny, and he's not a fan of being carried.

He has a tendency to want to ride on my shoulder. At the moment it can seem convenient and even cute. Yet I've learned from previous experiences that it's a mistake to allow this. So I'm doing my best to keep it to a minimum.

Overall he's recovered nicely. He's learned to eat on his own, and has adapted to living with others nicely. Though soon I'll be deciding if he comes with me, or if I can get a nice home for him here.

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