Three Tune Tuesday #58 | Head banging on a heavy metal festival | VOA 2022

Canva was used for the design and the image is my own. You can see it here

Greetings fellow musical Hivers 🀘

Hello hello, dear readers 🀘🀘🀘. It's #threetunetuesday time again and today I hope to find some new headbangers out here in the wonderful Ecency Community 😎.

For those who already follow my #ttt posts, especially fellow dreemers, you must know by now that I'm on a roll of festivals 🀩! After 2 years without live music, I'm bound to go to as many as I can this year πŸ€—.

I've shared my experiences on previous #ttt posts, so if by any chance you dig music, I recommend checking this and this post for maximum fun 😎.

Let's get the fun started, shall we, dear reader? πŸ™Œ

Three Tune Tuesday 🎸

For those of you who don't know, Three Tune Tuesday was created by @ablaze and as he explains πŸ‘‡

The jist is as follows

Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning a prize.

With that being said, it's time now to share a little bit about the adventure of this weekend 🀘. As I mentioned yesterday, VOA was my first heavy metal festival and I must confess I was a bit scared at the beggining... I have heard of the wall of death, mosh pit, crowd surfing and all that crazy, kinda aggressive, possibilities.

Part of me wanted to experience it all, but another me told me I shouldn't risk it because I can't afford to stop working now (I need to be physically fit). I went with my boyfriend (picture above), who is a very musical person, and we spent a great time together!

To tell you the truth, we were a bit dishearted because we had those tickets since 2019 and at the time we bought them because System of a Down, Avenged Sevenfold and Korn were coming to Portugal... Yeah, can you imagine???? 😭😭😭😭

Sadly, a lot of bands cancelled the European tour in the meantime, which means the whole poster was changed. I didn't really know the bands that were playing and only heard of Megadeath and Sabaton a few times ago, never have listened to a lot of them either.

Not knowing any song is kinda a bummer for me, I like to join the crowd when the artist interacts with their fans 😊. Anyways, we decided to go and we take advantage of the opportunity to listen to new stuff.

Saturday was the day I had the most fun! There was over 30ΒͺC, brazing sun, not a single cloud in the sky, all blue. All the artists were saying we were in hell, and don't get me started on how many people had really bad sunburns on their necks πŸ˜†. As the day went by, I gained some balls and joined several times to mosh pit! Until the point, I was just too exhausted and after I realised I was touching way too much on sweety shirtless man πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

I also joined the crowd that was doing a rowing boat. Hundred of people, including myself, sat on the ground and started chanting HEY! and rowing like we were on a boat. Instant 6-pack right there! At that time, Epica was playing and the lead singer said she saw something like that.

Also did something I never did before and went to a stranger guy asking to take a picture with him. Here's why (remember the plus 30ΒͺC sunny day?) πŸ‘‡

Honestly, I don't know how he was breathing under that, surely a hot mask! But that was funny, I now have a cool memory to share with you all😊.

Ok, that's enough experience sharing. Let's get to the tunes? 😎

My 3 song recommendation 😎

I would say Me and That Man was my favourite band of the entire festival! Their style is not that pure heavy metal, but I loved their tunes and melodies. Dark, soulful and catchy.

I already dug some music from their albums, so here I leave a small taste 😊

1 - Me and That Man (feat. Mat McNerney) - Burning Churches

***Epica*** band was epic πŸ˜‚. Not only because I joined to the mosh pit while they were playing, but also because I liked quite a lot of the singer's voice, *Simone Simons*.

A bit like Evanescence I would say, which I also like. The mix between lyric singing and rock is fascinating to me. I had goosebumps almost the entire concert just because of her beautiful high notes.

Check it out!

2 - Epica - Cry for the Moon

Lastly but not least, Sabaton smashed the place! They were the last band performing and OMG, what a show. If I'm not mistaken, their new album is all about war, so a lot of their songs are very much relatable, considering the sad reality we are witnessing in Europe.

The stage was covered with War prompts, they had a fire and a frecking tank that did a really loud bang. The drummer was on top of the tank rocking it 🀘.

3 - Sabaton - Soldier of Heaven

Final considerations πŸ™Œ

I was able to record a few seconds of Sabaton's entry on stage! I was then too excited and stopped recording because a wall of death just started behind me and I was fighting for my life!!

At this point, I was right in front of the stage and it was impossible to get out! No personal space not so ever πŸ˜‚. Lastly, at one point in their concert, I was constantly looking behind because people were crowd surfing like crazy! I had to pay close attention, we are talking about holding 80kg guys over my head here!

That's it from me today dear readers 😊 I hope you liked my reading about my little adventures. Thank you for your time πŸ™Œ


Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright to any of these songs and the main purpose of this post is educational. The goal is to share talents and tunes with the Hive community and Music community, thus expanding our musical horizons.

Please consider supporting the artists you like in any way you can.

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