Three Tune Tuesday #51 | Somersby Out Jazz 2022 | Afrocuban Jazz Project


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Greetings fellow musical Hivers 🀘

Hello my groovy friends! 😁 It's tuesday again and by now I think we all know what that means, right dear reader? 😍 You're right, it's Three Tune Tuesday time 🎷 ❀️!

So, here I am once again to share with you all 3 new tunes with the plus that the ones I'm gonna show today are also new to me. In today's post, dear reader, you will find out how I got across these happy and dancing melodies πŸ€— Yes, get ready for a possible feeling of a dire need to dance πŸŽ·πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ.

Three Tune Tuesday 🎸

For those of you who don't know, Three Tune Tuesday was created by @ablaze and as he explains πŸ‘‡

The jist is as follows

Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning a prize.

With that being said, before I share my tunes for week 51 of #ttt, I have something to share with you all 😍. Last Sunday I went to a little outdoor concert at a park not far from where I live. I cannot state enough how I missed just going to see live performing music, especially outdoors, which is my favourite way to listen to music and bands 😁.

Surrounded by good company and warm weather, this was the view at the top of the park 😎!


The little festival is called Somersby Out Jazz and it's an initiative from a local municipay that organises free concerts from 5pm till sunset, every sunday until September!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ I'm so happy about this! I really needed more motivation to get out more on the weekends and this is just perfect 😍. The locations will vary depending on the month but if the view is anywhere near this, then I'm loving it already!

I think you can see the excitement from my happy face (note to self - it's been a while!) πŸ‘‡.


I followed tradition and poured myself a drink ehehe, cheers 🍻! I went with my boyfriend ❀️ and we enjoyed the tunes so much! We took a little towel, took off our shoes and just chilled to the sound of Afrocuban Project. It was a wonderful afternoon 😍.


That's it dear reader! This is how I found out about the band I'm gonna share today 😊 Well... if I'm being truly honest here, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same band πŸ˜…... You see, we got there a little late and I didn't catch their names πŸ˜‚. But I saw this name on the poster of the festival and the following tunes I'm gonna show you are the only ones I found online with the same name πŸ˜†.

Nevertheless, these are in the same category of music genre that I listened to on sunday and therefore, I'm enjoying them as well as I hope you enjoy too 😍. Remember the possible sudden dire need to dance, right?

Good, because I will not be held accountable if you can't stop afterwards πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Ready? Let's go!

My 3 song recommendation 😎

1 - Afro Cuban Jazz Project - RumbatΓ‘

2 - Afro Cuban Jazz Project - Soy el Matancero

3 - Afro Cuban Jazz Project - Tu Mi Delirio

Final considerations πŸ™Œ

That's it from me today dear reader 😊. I really hope you liked it and that these tunes has inspired you, leaving you in a good mood πŸ€—.

As for me, this next weekend I'm gonna be away and go to an Islamic Festival for the first time 😍. I'm really excited for having this opportunity to go and enjoy a good time, purely for the pleasure of it! I hope to get back next week with some new cool tunes to share with all of you πŸ˜‰.

I'll try to remember to take some pictures while someone holds my beer 🍻. Cheers!

Thank for your time 😊 Take care πŸ‘‹

Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright to any of these songs and the main purpose of this post is educational. The goal is to share talents and tunes with Hive community and Music community, thus expanding our musical horizons.

Please consider supporting the artists you like in any way you can.

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