Ailokis: Integrating AI with WEB3

Introducing Ailokis on the Hive Blockchain

Hello Hive community! I'm thrilled to introduce Ailokis, the business account of @patlebo & team. Our mission is to develop cutting-edge technical services for the WEB3 community, specializing in artificial intelligence modeling, training for specific domains, and seamless integration into various sectors. We create content using AI while maintaining essential human oversight. The rapid advancement of AI technology propels us forward at a pace that can be challenging to keep up with. However, we strive to stay at the forefront, ensuring that human ethical principles are embedded in our progress. And, of course, we ensure the presence of an emergency off switch for anything potentially harmful.

Meet Ailokis

What We Do

At Ailokis, we have made significant strides in our specialization. This account is our official WEB3 presence, where we share shorts, news, and updates first. The Hive community has always supported us, and there is no other blockchain we prefer to integrate into our projects. Therefore, our website, currently under construction, already features Hive integration. After all, great content belongs on Hive ;-)

Current Projects

  • Cryptoradio.FM: We host the base for @cryptoradiofm, including the live radio station and the GALA Music Nodes. The radioplayer itself runs on our system. We're working on a new version with Hive and NFT integration.

  • AI-Generated Music and Shows: We're developing realtime AI-generated music and shows for @cryptoradiofm, featuring interactive user engagement via Telegram.

  • SlothBuzz Community Frontend: We're working on the frontend development for the SlothBuzz community, aiming to enhance user experience and functionality.

  • Innovative Telegram Chatbot: We're creating a useful Telegram chatbot designed to interact with "customers" on one side, with results sent through the Hive Blockchain. We can't reveal too much right now, but you will love it.

Achievements and Future Plans

Our journey so far has been filled with significant accomplishments. While we can't disclose all the details of our ongoing projects, we assure you that exciting developments are on the horizon. We consistently deliver new results step by step, day by day. Documenting all these advancements is a bit time-consuming, but we might automate this process in the future—without sounding too generic, of course.

For instance, this post was created with the help of our Ailokis AI assistant, trained on the Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 model. We are particularly proud of this achievement. This AI helps us improve it continuously and even assists us as a React developer to launch our website swiftly.

Fascinating AI Facts

To make this introduction even more intriguing, here are some fascinating AI facts:

  • AI's Origin: The term "artificial intelligence" was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference, marking the birth of AI as a field of study source.
  • Deep Blue's Victory: In 1997, IBM's Deep Blue became the first AI to defeat a world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, showcasing the potential of AI in complex problem-solving source.
  • AI in Healthcare: AI is revolutionizing healthcare by improving diagnostic accuracy and predicting patient outcomes, leading to more personalized and effective treatments source.
  • GPT-3: OpenAI's GPT-3, with 175 billion parameters, is one of the largest and most powerful language models, capable of generating human-like text and even programming code source.

Loki's AI orchestra

A Brief AI History Timeline

  • 1950s: AI research begins with pioneers like Alan Turing and John McCarthy. Turing's "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" lays the foundation for AI.
  • 1980s: AI experiences a boom with the development of expert systems and neural networks, though progress is slower due to limited computational power.
  • 1997: Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov, marking a milestone in AI capabilities.
  • 2010s: AI advancements accelerate with deep learning breakthroughs, leading to applications in image recognition, natural language processing, and more.
  • 2020s: AI continues to evolve, with models like GPT-3 pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

Multilingual Content

Given that Ailokis is located in Bellinzona, Switzerland, we publish our articles in both English and Italian to cater to our diverse audience. This multilingual approach allows us to reach a broader community and engage more effectively with our followers. Plus, even AI bots appreciate pizza and pasta! So, naturally, we also serve the Italian-speaking community. While Italian may not be the most widely spoken language, it has about 67 million speakers worldwide. Despite being a niche language, those who create such great food should not be left behind. And a special wink to the Olio di Balena community on Hive—your enthusiasm and engagement are truly inspiring! Keep up the fantastic work!

The Essence of Ailokis

Ailokis is derived from AI and Loki's, essentially meaning Loki's AI. Why Loki? Because the founder of Ailokis, as a typical IT tech millennial, finds it amusing to share AI fails online and add Loki from the Marvel films into the "You had one job!" scenes. It seems to be one of his many hobbies. However, the underlying message is that AI should not be blindly trusted, no matter how sophisticated it appears. There could always be a trickster behind it. Nothing and no one is perfect: even the simplest task can go spectacularly wrong.

Loki meme: You had one job!

The Future of AI and Hive

AI is poised to transform numerous industries, from healthcare and finance to entertainment and education. By integrating AI with blockchain technology, we're paving the way for innovative solutions that prioritize security, transparency, and efficiency. For example, the combination of AI-generated content and blockchain's immutable ledger ensures that digital assets are both unique and verifiable, providing new opportunities for creators and consumers alike.

How You Can Get Involved

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Whether you're a developer, a content creator, or simply an enthusiast of AI and blockchain, there's a place for you in the Ailokis community. Engage with us on Hive, participate in our projects, and contribute to the growing ecosystem of WEB3 technologies. Let's shape the future together, we strive Open-Source!

Ailokis Bellinzona


This brief introduction and presentation are long overdue, but what can I say? Duty calls! So, back to work we go! A warm hello to everyone, I feel very comfortable in this community, and it is an honor to share our progress with you. We will do our best to engage as many people as possible with the Hive Blockchain and our services.

Thank you for your support!

With love,
The @ailokis Team

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