
More Like a HIVER Stride


Happy Sunday Funday Fellow HIVERS!!

Although, I’m out of workout commission at the present time, Tiffany and I took a walk to the local Walmart opposed to driving over to it.

We can’t do any impactful activities, but there’s definitive FOMO. Had to stretch out them legs a bit.

Needless to say, my beast mode o meter is more of a stride than a hustle at the present time, but my heart is roaring 24/7!

With all that said, at least the HIVE community keeps rising towards the top; as this blockchain drowns out the bullshit going outside of it! This includes my own travails.

Being a HIVER means, that you are truly in crush mode level; despite anything not conducive to making us the greatest blockchain on the planet.

I know this. I know, ignorance is bliss and that folks will be coming in droves in the near future.

Just like my own journey, where I wake up with a grind mentality and absolutely no quit in me; I remain loyal to this community and look forward to my HIVE activity- Each and Every Day!!

So, Let’s Go Kick Some Ass!

Let’s Gooooooooo!!!

More Like a HIVER Stride

This is a cross post of @jimmy.adames/more-like-a-hiver-stride by @sports-meme.gif.

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