What is SanR and Why it is Beneficial for the Traders | Leo Finance x SanR


You all know that people are turning to cryptocurrency day by day. People are now choosing cryptocurrencies for trading as well as investment. So nowadays crypto trading is gaining popularity among traders. However, the trading of Cryptocurrencies is much riskier and more volatile than other trading such as stocks and forex. So one must master it before starting trading in crypto.

Traders in crypto generally do two types of trading such as Spot Trading and Futures Trading. Among them, futures trading is the most risky. So a trader can lose his entire capital by trading futures without education. Therefore, before starting trading, it is necessary to gain an important understanding about trading. Moreover, a trader must practice more and more to become professional in trading. Otherwise he will not be able to adapt to the trading strategy. SanR basically gives a real feel of trading practice. I am presenting it below.

  • What is SanR
    Through SanR, a trader can practice trading without any investment which will give him a real feel. Let us know what is SanR?
    SanR is a decentralised platform designed to help you identify key market signals through the noise, by leveraging your market research and analysis skills. Veteran traders and data scientists alike use SanR to spot shifts in the crypto market while eliminating any excess and irrelevant information

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That is, on this platform you can practice trading without any investment, and you can check your trading skills. Moreover, futures trading can also be done through leverage trading on this platform. And through these trading you can calculate your profit and loss amount in percentage. The best part is that there is no fee or money required due to this. Trading can be practiced here very easily by just connecting a wallet.

  • Leo Finance Community on SanR
    Recently Leo Finance had a collaboration with SanR. Leo Finance has a community on SanR website where one can join and practice trading very easily and test one's skills through leaderboards. In addition, there is a contest going on, where the winners will receive a $300 prize by participating in the trading league. Click the link below for details.
  • 300 USD Prizes for the inaugural Trading League Epoch

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  • SanR Community on Leo Finance
    A new community of SanR has been launched on the Leo Finance website. Updates and information related to SanR can be found easily through this community. Moreover, we can learn how to operate SanR website and all the strategies and tips from the articles of the SanR Community on Leo Finance. For sharing your feelings or questions related to SanR or trading you can post on Leo Finance. You can also write articles about how you maintain your trading strategy here. You will even get rewarded with $HIVE and $LEO tokens for your valuable articles, which will help you a lot in your personal finance.

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All in all, through this collaboration between Leo Finance and SanR, traders have benefited in many ways. We now easily get updates about SanR through Leo Finance. We can get different opinions from other authors. Again, we can verify our skills by practicing trading in the Leo Finance community on SanR website. Hopefully we can improve our trading career through both of them in the future.

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  • Thumbnail from SanR.app Tweet
  • Footer created with Canva Pro
  • Page Divider and Graphics from Leo Finance Discord Server and their profile
  • Keywords from Leo Glossary
  • All content are mine unless otherwise stated


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