"My entry in this week's contest I forgot to select the community."

Julian is a pampered cat - LOH Contest #136

Saludos queridas damas de la comunidad!

Esta semana he querido unirme al concurso semanal, para hablarles de mi relación toxica con mi querido amigo felino Julián, respondiendo a la segunda pregunta del concurso de esta semana de la comunidad Ladies of Hive.

Greetings dear ladies of the community!

This week I wanted to join the weekly quiz, to tell you about my toxic relationship with my dear feline friend Julian, by answering the second question of this week's Ladies of Hive community contest.


Mascotas Forman parte de la familia. ¿Las mimas, las vistes, las consientes? Si es así, ¿cómo? Comparte una foto de tu mascota mimada.
Pets! They are a part of the family! Do you spoil them; dress them up; pamper them? If so, how? Please share a photo of your pet being spoiled!

Al igual como se unifican sin saber nuevas personas a tu vida como amigos que ya consideras familia, así llego este pequeño pendenciero, un día y sin saber entro en casa y yo por supuesto le abrí los brazos desde la primera oportunidad, eso ocurrió hace dos meses exactamente al día de hoy, cuando apareció era un gato sumamente dulce y dócil, así que comencé a alimentarlo y dejar que se quedara en casa tanto como el quisiera... y desde entonces no se ha ido de casa mas que unos minutos al día.

Just as new people unknowingly join your life as friends that you already consider family, so came this little brawler, one day and without knowing he came home and of course I opened my arms from the first opportunity, that happened exactly two months ago today, when he appeared he was a very sweet and docile cat, so I started to feed him and let him stay at home as much as he wanted ... and since then he has not left home more than a few minutes a day.


Pero acá viene lo bueno, ese pequeño y dulce gatito se ha vuelto una fieresilla naranja que corre por toda la casa, se esconde y me ataca por sorpresa cuando paso a su lado y aunque tiene sus momentos tiernos y dóciles puede atacar sin ningún motivo mi mano cuando lo acaricio, por lo cual nos hemos vuelto tóxicos mutuamente, cuando el me araña yo le doy par de nalgaditas que no hacen mas que volverlo mas activo, adoro la personalidad de ese gatito a veces me hace correr por la casa en su perseguida igual que un perrito.

But here comes the good part, that sweet little kitten has become a fierce little orange cat that runs all over the house, hides and attacks me by surprise when I pass by his side and although he has his tender and docile moments he can attack my hand for no reason when I caress him, So we have become mutually toxic, when he scratches me I give him a couple of spankings that do nothing but make him more active, I love the personality of this kitten sometimes makes me run through the house in his pursuit just like a puppy.


Yo se que es muy probable que esa traviesa personalidad que tiene ahora se deba a que aun es un cachorro y que luego se volverá un gordo aburrido que solo se echa a dormir, por eso intento aprovechar cada minuto de su hiperactividad para jugar con el.

I know that it is very likely that this mischievous personality he has now is due to the fact that he is still a puppy and that later he will become a boring fat man who just lies down to sleep, that's why I try to take advantage of every minute of his hyperactivity to play with him.

Metió una de sus patitas en las tapas de pintura que estaban en le suelo mientras pintaba su casa y fue muy divertido verlo sacudirse la pintura

He stuck one of his little paws in the paint caps that were on the floor while he was painting his house and it was a lot of fun watching him shake the paint off.

Pero... como lo consiento dirán ustedes, lo cual es la pregunta principal, pues ademas de par de baños que le he dado mientras ha estado aquí y comprarles un vermífugo, he pintado un retrato realista de su rostro y hasta le construido una casa en la cual pueda descansar a sus anchas amo jugar con el en la casa porque ademas que me mantiene lejos de sus garras, tiene muchas entradas por las cuales puedo sorprenderle y por las que el puede entrar y salir.

But... How do I consent to it you will say, which is the main question, for besides the couple of baths I have given him while he has been here and bought him a vermifuge, I have painted a realistic portrait of his face and even built him a house in which he can rest at ease, I love to play with him in the house because besides keeping me out of his clutches, it has many entrances by which I can surprise him and by which he can come and go.

Desde hace un buen tiempo decidí llamarle Julián y coloque en la fachada de la casa lleva una placa con su nombre, este gato ha traído compañía y felicidad a mi vida solitaria así que todo lo que pueda hacer para que el este bien procurare hacerlo, es mi pequeño angelito toxico!

Since a long time ago I decided to call him Julian and I put on the front of the house a plaque with his name, this cat has brought company and happiness to my lonely life so everything I can do for him to be well I will try to do it, he is my little toxic angel!


Julian is a pampered cat - LOH Contest #136

This is a cross post of @yetsimar/julian-is-a-pampered-cat by @yetsimar.

My entry in this week's contest I forgot to select the community.

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