Discovering Destiny: My Journey to the Department of Education

I wake Up early in the morning to prepare. I take a bath, brush ny teeth, eat my breakfast. I am wearing Khaki pants, white blouse` and skin toned blazer with my black flats.
I need to be in the district office on or before 8am in the morning.
As an aspiring teacher in the department of education you need to be punctual.


Me and my friends are all set. to go. We went there by motorcycle since it is just a 5 minutes' drive.
We arrived in the venue at exactly 7;45 am.

The venue is filled with numerous applicants, creating a palpable sense of competition among them.


Some applicants are doing their demo classes, interview, exams and documents Validations.
Some cried along the process due to the pressure.
Many individuals are aiming to be a part of this department. Some are not into it. Truly discovering your destiny is not easy.
Some get tired of striving to get the gold of their own destiny. confused, there are many questions running through their heads. They've done what they need to do, but still, those aren't enough.

Screening and Selection

I only done with my demonstration and Exams last school years Ranking. since I passed documents on my master's degree in Guidance and Counseling and my one month's experience.
I attended the Validations of documents for them to check my documents authenticity. It went well. and I am satisfied since I am expecting the results going fine.



It felt like you are useless. After all the hardships still, your efforts weren't enough for you to be qualified for the job you are applying.

I submitted all the necessary things and documents for the application each year for the past Nine years. Still not enough.

I understand. There are a lot of applicants. Same as mine aiming to land a spot in this department. Specially here in Philippines.

But despite all the challenges we keep our faith that someday somehow, we will be hired in this department.

The Fruit

The slot, the position that everyone is aiming to gain, was so difficult to achieved. You have to gave services hardwork and dedication. It requires 5 years of experience, master's degree, certificates and trainings. to get higher scores. despite all of this many are still focus on the same goals, to reach the fruit of success.


The Sad part

Even if every year there is a simultaneous ranking all over the country. There is a mole of hope to get hired. there are places who are lacking vacant positions all over the community. Not just on the same region as mine but in some regions have the same scenario too.

Not in this position as a teacher but in some professions too. That is why most of our countrymen and women went abroad to find a job and to have a job away from their families, some of our country men and women. Choose different kind of jobs in order to provide the needs of their child and elders who are unable.

The Delima


I really like to go abroad and find a suitable job for me since, I never got my desired position in the department That I am applying since 2016 until today present.

Yes, I got a job at home as an ESL teacher in the afternoon and a cooled caller in the evening. but still not enough. I am the breed winner of the family.

Glimpse of Hope

Despite all the hardships and all the negativity in life I remain Positive. Knowing that I am not the only one who had the same situation as mine. and especially Knowing that God never give us hardships and problems that we cannot face and win. They say these are the flowers and the path that you need in order to become what you are right now.
It helps you mold the better you. For The creator uses thorns, sharp nails, and hammer to create a masterpiece. Remember we are unique in our own way for we are designed in a certain purpose, Though the paths and ways are so cruel sometimes. We have to stand up and be proud of who we are.

Your parents work hard for you to be successful. They invested so much for you. They work hard night and days for them to give you life that you deserve. Make them proud by striving hard each day. Set as an example in every youth in your family. Smile Make yourself proud.

Step forward the way it should be don't stop learning new things. Continues education don does not stop after you graduated in schools or university, instead instilled in mind that every graduation or finishing lines are the beginning of a new Journey that is Called LIFE.

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