My entry to LOH week 95#: Knowing Me.


Hello everyone!!
I'm so excited to be a part of this contest and this is my second entry @ladiesofhive,I will be writing on the first topic given @ladiesofhive:

We all have a different boiling point, some of us are easily angered, others are really cool tempered. Kindly share one thing that makes you angry, how long do you stay mad, and what or who can pacify you

I wouldn't have realized myself or who I was if I didn't mingle with other ladies.
It all started when I moved in with a fellow lady, she was of a different tribe from mine and I had to stay with her just for few days.
One day while we were eating together, she asked me what temperament are you? Unaware of the little unseemingly traits I possess, I told her I don't really have an idea but I know I'm a calm person.
After the meal, she offered me a book titled Why you act the way you do by Tim Lahaye.

The book opened my eyes as well as my mind to realise who I am. I started listening and observing my very self with kin interested. Along the path of discovering who I was, my fellow lady said I was more of a melancholy(probably, a book worm). However, I needed to discover that myself. I began interacting with people, read lots of books, relearned somethings. After which I gave myself a self-examination treat. This I did by taking a lonely work to a brook, sat down and asked myself some questions, wrote down some things about myself. Then, I realized that I was more like a disciplined or somewhat strict person.
My behavior or temperament changes according to the circumstances or phenomenon around me. With the little knowledge I had acquired through reading some books, I realized my personality is ambivient. I also realized my weakness and worked strictly on them and then portrayed my strength out.
This intentional walk did not just end in knowing myself alone but in what others think about me. I'm glad to say that I don't have a hot tempered characteristic, but, I know they are liable to suffice when I'm exposed to a situation that will warrant me to react. I'm also a strong and decisive(determined) person and with this traits, I strongly determined to work things out with a smile, especially when under pressure.
For about three years now, I have been able to manage and tolerate some little things or overlooked them. This is drawn from the fact that every human deserves a second chance and non is perfect.

Thanks for always stopping by to read my post.

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