#164 LOH Christmas Plan and magical wish

Hi everyone, it's been a few days since I logged in with Hive due to some health issues in my family.And now it's a great time to write again, this holiday season.Thank you for reading patiently with my blog today.

  1. It's festive time and we all want to celebrate.Sharw with us what are your holiday/Christmas plan this year.

During Christmas time, our plans will always be having a quality time with our family, we will be cooking some of our favorite food, like chicken stew, spaghetti, and buko salad.Family is always been a part of our special days, maybe it's better to spend with them, to cherish our time together especially out parents are already old aged.



Another one, my husband have planned to visit his family during the class break with our kids. It's been 7 years that we haven't seen them, since we have transfered to our new place. First reason is, we need to have enough money for our travel expenses and allowance. The kids are already grown ups, and they have the same fare with us with the bus.

There are also some Christmas parties that we will be joining these coming few days, that's why we need to buy gifts and allocate be budget for food to share in that occasion.

The most highlight was our planned to travel, but we haven't done it yet, I just hope that everything will be settled, especially our finances so that we can accomplish it this year.

  1. If you have one magical wish this Christmas what would it be?

Speaking of magic , this week my family have watched magical movies so often. It came to my mind, if I can have a one magical wish.I would want to experienced a magical nature. I imagined a lot of green trees, and waterfalls in my community, a fresh water from rivers. And there will be a group of birds that fly in the sky, and animals and enjoying the surroundings, while my children too. The mountains will be full of trees again, and the wild animals are back into their shelters.


(This image is mine)

I miss those days when our place was like a virgin forest, and now it's already ruined by cutting trees and our place had a high heat, and we're no longer had a shade of fresh environment around our areas.Trees plays a great role in our mother earth, and life will not be healthy living without it. I wish there will be a magic wand, that can enable a tree to grow and grow bigger . In just one click the animals who were gone will be back into place.

These thoughts of mine was too good to be true, things have changed nowadays , the nicest thing can only happen in fairy tales and movies but in real life, what is being done ,is irreversible. I hope everyone will be passionate to care for this planet.

Thanks for the privilege to write in this community.

Good day.

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