#159 LOH, My discovered passion and favorite holiday

It's Monday a new week to start our writing journey, and as I read the Ladies of Hive post, I take a pause and think for a while about the answers to these questions that they have posted. Well, thank you then because it enables me to ponder on what are the things I like the most.

Since the time I got married, it seems that being passionate about certain things has to fade. Maybe because every time I want to achieve something there are some occurrences therein that make me stop. So, I'll try to answer these two questions.


Through brainstorming over and over again, my answer to the first question is:

"My passion in life is to take care of my family".

Having a family is such a privilege, which I didn't realize until I got married. Remembering the day when I was still single, I didn't spend much time with my parents and siblings. But now that we live away from them, it reminds me that I should have valued them a lot.

Passion is one thing that gives us joy and something that we will do heartily.


Taking care of my home, and serving them, was the best that I could give. Whenever we have a conversation, and private time together are memories that I kept in my heart. For the past few weeks, I've witnessed how my friends suffer from a lost family member. Every hour, and minute, that we could be with them, was like a precious gold that I treasure.

Family for me, means comfort and a place to be. My heart is full of passion to visit and attend their special days.

"What is your favorite holiday of the year and why?


Based on the image that I uploaded, "it's Christmas day". People seem too happy during this season, most families have gathered, and even those who are out of the country have come together to celebrate this special moment.

The star in the photo was made by my daughter last 2022 by the time the teacher asked them to bring homemade Christmas decor. Made of paper, she got an idea with online videos.

Foods, parties, and gifts are some of the things that exist in the December holiday. Which also means, "a time to spend more money.” Last night, I counted how many parties we may join next month and it's almost 7, hehe, too many, right? Yes, it is. And each one of them needs money to buy some presents. My husband and I have already talked about it, but his not complaining, only me.Lol.He's a generous person.

Party games are one of the nicest things too, with friends, relatives, and churchmates. Last 2022 get-together with families was the best because I saw my uncles have played too like kids.

When there are parties, it's also tiring for me to be the emcee or games facilitator, but the smiles and laughs of everyone were worth it with all the hard work that we did.

Yesterday I was contemplating what kind of gifts should I give to someone and I also need to save money for it.

Thank you so much for the chance to answer such questions, I'm glad to be a part of this community that supports each other.

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