Why I choose freedom over a steady paycheck//LOH199

I have done different jobs before I settled as teacher, I have also taught in different schools and worked with different people. It's honestly draining and stressful having to wake up very early in the morning, just to get to work early and close late. There is nothing more stressful than having to wake up early in the morning when you haven't had a good night's sleep just to go work for someone who won't appreciate your work.

Here in my country Nigeria, employers are fond of making you work for more than they pay you, they will pay you peanuts or as we say chicken change 😂 and the workload will be excess. Personally, I prefer to work from home or own a business that I run myself than to work for someone.

When I work from home, I feel free. I can plan my day the way I want. I can take breaks when I need them,working from home gives me peace and I don't have to worry about what to wear and also no distractions.

Owning a business also makes me feel proud. It is hard work, but it is my work. Every success feels personal, and every challenge teaches me something new. I am in control of my time and my future. Even though the income might not be steady at first, the freedom and satisfaction I get are worth it.

On the other hand, working outside the home with a stable monthly pay feels secure, but it can be draining. The routine can become boring, and the stress can affect my health.

Personally, freedom and happiness are more important than a steady paycheck. That is why I choose to work from home or run my own business.
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