LADIES OF HIVE CONTEST 202: the conversation that turned a colleague to sister

I believe that a quality conversation is one where both people feel heard, understood, and engaged. Its not just going back and forth talking but listening to what the person has to say and responding to it, keeping the conversation going.

From colleague to sister
To me, open-ended questions, empathy, and self-disclosure are some of the key ingredients to good conversation. It's like when someone asks me questions, and they actually care about my answers, they make me feel important. So when I can also open myself and tell something of significance about myself, then it creates a better bond.

"What's been weighing on your mind lately?"

Image is mine
The vulnerability in her tone encouraged me to open up in a way I hadn't in a while. Some of which I expressed, because at the time I was suffering from some doubts and anxieties. Instead of just offering advice, she listened intently and shared her own similar experiences. We talked for hours and after our meeting I felt completely understood and backed.

That conversation was a turning point in our friendship. We began to try a little harder to engage in that type of intimate conversation, and now we are closer than we have ever been. I really appreciate her being willing to have a good conversation, that is something that I hope to have with all of my significant relationships.

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