My Parents, My Heroes

Hello dear friends, this time I will be sharing my opinion on the subject of Paternity.


  • With your words explain what you understand by paternity

For me, paternity is thinking of a figure that has the characteristics of a father. These characteristics can be genetic or not, when a person is associated with your geneological tree and meets certain requirements, then this person will be considered Your Father.

A father has the characteristic of watching over his family, even removing his well-being to put that of his children and his wife. A father is a superhero who always goes to the rescue when we have a difficulty or a problem. But that does not mean that Dad is only there to solve your problems, he is there to comfort and love you as God would if you could see him physically.

Biology always tells us that it takes just one tiny sperm cell to create a new creature and start life. But I think that biology is very strict in that sense, because this person could have been involved in a birth, but if he was not present when that baby needed that Paternity figure, he should not be considered a father if not "Progenitor".

My parents are my heroes, they have always been with me since I was born and I hope they will be with me for many more years. I really hope I can enjoy them and also my grandchildren can spend time with them.

Currently, the activities that I most enjoy doing with my parents are going out to church activities, as well as eating delicious dishes prepared by my mother. My mom really likes sewing, I also enjoy it a lot with her.

Church activities in my family are very important, especially due to the fact that we are Christians. We grow each other with the healthy word of God in our local church.

The main role that parents should have is that of protection. Parents must protect their children at all costs and teach them how bad this world can be.

Many ill-intentioned adults always seek to take advantage of the little ones, that's why I insist, parents must PROTECT THEM AT ALL COSTS.

The next important role that parents must play is education, and I'm not just talking about school but home education. We cannot leave all the work to teachers at school when children must have easy access to exclusive education at home.

And when I talk about home, I don't mean the education of a grandfather (who may already be exhausted) or an uncle who doesn't pay attention to the boy. I'm talking about education that is only responsibility.

In the event that the child does not have a father or mother figure, he will always have his grandfather, grandmother or uncle, but when the parents are present, this home education should never be replaced by anyone else.

  • Parenthood is not a Scam!

I see fatherhood as a scam when the father is not around and still wants to be considered a Father. This is disrespectful both for the mother who is caring for and raising her son alone, as well as for the people who are around her supporting her in everything so that she can move forward.

Paternity is an option, you decide whether to take charge or not, but believe me, sure after saying no. You will regret in about 20 or 30 years of not having enjoyed that child that was born to you.

ā˜† See you later, God bless you. ā˜†

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