I Have A Dream

What is your big dream for your life? If money were no object and you could do with your time whatever you wished, what would you do with it? What would you create?

That's one of the latest questions, from the wonderful Ladies Of Hive Community. And if you wish to make your dreams a reality, then you have to create them yourself. You have to manifest and that starts by putting your intentions out into the world. This question is a wonderful opportunity, to do just that.


If money was no object, then I would buy a big plot of land with it's own water source. Big enough, that I could leave at least half of it wild. Then I would build four pods once each for me and my daughters with a huge outdoor living area in the centre. I would have a big garden to grow our veg, plus a forest garden as well, for fruit, nuts and herbs.

I would also have a few workshop spaces and an outdoor platform, for gatherings and celebrations. Plus another space where people could could come and camp, as I would like to hold workshops and homeschooling gatherings. This area would also have a communal outdoor kitchen. As well as some compost toilets and outdoor showers.

I would invest in a few refrigerated containers, that I would use in the creation of my mushroom farm. Mushrooms need a very special environment in which to grow successfully and refridgerated containers would help me achieve that. They would need to be in a shady spot. So the land would have some forested areas as well. Which would produce shade for my mushroom farm, spce to build a few tree houses and also provide me with fire wood.

I really would love to be growing medicinal mushrooms, enough for me and my community with a surplus supply I could use to create an income.


But it is a dream, that I have had since I was a child, that would take center stage. I have always loved animals, felt a special connection with them. Having an animal sanctuary, would be top of my list. Where any type of animal, could be taken in and cared for. So I would need stables and enough space for the animals to move freely. Asher House style.

I already know quite a few people that would love to help me run it, friends who would help me care for all of the animals. Including my girls, who all live animals. Having an animal sanctuary, is something we have talked a lot about together. It would be a wonderful project for my girls to be involved in. Alongside the mushroom farm.

Having land, were food is being grown, where the soil is being improved, as well as providing a sanctuary for animals, seems like a wonderful investment to me. I also couldn't think of a better way for me to spend my time. Then doing the things I love creating space for them, so others can ask come together to learn, to share and to care.



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