Doggie Tree at #wintermas

My sister-in-law needed a ride to the groomer's salon so her kittycat could get a bath and her claws trimmed. So, I gave them a ride. The groomer had a cute little tree in her place for the #wintermas holidays, decorated with various ornaments. Some of them were traditional balls, very pretty!

And some of them were doggies! I've always thought Schnauzers are adorable, with their little moustaches. 😁

There was also a Beagle...

...and a Golden Retriever! There were several othersΒ β€” a Great Dane, a Gordon Setter, etc.Β β€” but I didn't photograph them all because they were in harder-to-reach locations and I don't squat/kneel so easily any more at my current age. 😬 I could bend down to see them, yet holding the camera steady in that position was a challenge.

I rather liked this green ornament, too, with all its faceted sides instead of the roundness most of the others had.

I really liked the red-and-white ones, which looked a bit like yummy, over-sized peppermint balls! πŸ˜‹

Of course, the entire tree was strung with miniature lights, making for quite a festive display!

On a completely different day recently, I loaded the trunk of my car with the household garbage and recycling that had accumulated and headed to the nearest processing station run by the County. Along the way, I passed this house, which is decorated nicely for the #wintermas holidays with just-enough decorations without being over-done! I thought it was lovely, so I briefly stopped to make a shot. I really looked even prettier to my eye, and thought the camera didn't do it proper justice; but, that is often the case, eh...?

I do hope everyone reading this is having a decent #wintermas, whatever you might celebrate this time of year. I hope you are warm, I hope that you are safe, I hope that your tummies are satisfied, and I hope you have someone who truly cares for you. Brightest blessings to all. πŸ’—


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