Ladies of Hive Author of the Week #184

Every Friday, we introduce the four authors who are up for nomination for Ladies of Hive Author of the Week.

The Ladies of Hive Author of the Week will:

  • Receive 60% of the beneficiary award for the announcement posts next week.
  • Be included in a digest that will be heavily marketed on Web2 (e.g. X, Reddit)

On top of 60% of the announcement posts of the community, our winner earn a spot in a Curation List during the following week!, and they are participating as long as the posts are made from INLEO.

Please VOTE for the Ladies of Hive Author of the Week #184 BELOW:


Vote of Ladies of Hive Author of the Week #184 below:
You may select 1 choices
@cautiva-30 with Lessons from Being a Mother
@romeskie with The Best Motherhood Lesson I Learned
@bluefinstudios with My First Love- Mom
@ibbtammy with The Power of a Woman
3 columns
2 columns
1 column