Getting harassed as a woman

Getting harassed today was unimaginable and I hope I don't go through it anymore, I really wanted to write about it but then I know I'm not the only one facing such. So I decided to write as a whole for all women going through harassment daily.

People generally believe that a woman is to blame when she is harassed, abused, or disrespected. The woman's improper attire was her own fault, The woman's intoxication was her responsibility. The woman's failure to defend herself was her own responsibility to fix. Because "they were asking for it," people always cover women responsible for the sexual harrassment they experienced. These individuals degrade women while overlooking the fact that men are to blame for abusing them.

We honor all the absolutely incredible and remarkable women in our lives and during this year, we celebrated a lot. But all of these women who inspire us have faced the difficulties of existing in a culture where objectification is ingrained. These incredible women in our midst have experienced and continue to experience gender stereotypes, discriminatory treatment, and sexual harrassment.

We won't argue against the reality of course that several members of our societal structure are cognizant of these difficulties. Many of us have already come to our senses and dismissed many of the social norms that discriminate against women. We have moved on a bit in realizing how poorly our society has treated women. The battle has lasted a long time and is still ongoing.

In our civilization, women have taken up space. After so many protest rallies, their protections have been acknowledged. Many women have had the guts to stand up out regarding the pervasive objectification that permeates everyone's thoughts. But the conflict is still going on. There are still a lot of people who view women as weak beings they can manipulate. Many still believe that women are beneath men.

People consider it respond positively sexual harrassment when a woman is inappropriately underdressed. When there are complaints of sexual misconduct, there are still people on the internet who blame women for how they dress. There is still an actually a lot of subject matter that treats women like objects and sexualizes them. The outdated view that women only appeal at home is still prevalent.

In order to strengthen women, we must do more than just celebrate and start encouraging them during Women's Month and in the months to come. We must also never stop defending their rights. Both men and women must advocate for treating women fairly.

Women are responsible for the creation of this societal structure. It is only right that society take care of our women and give them the best. We must all work together to accomplish that.

Everybody has a strong foundation of sexism against women. We cannot deny the male supremacy nature of our culture. Women should always follow men in leading roles. But we must stand up for what is right. Women deserve rights and protections that have been dismissed to them, so we must grant them what they are due.

We need to enlighten everyone if we're going to right current societal wrongful acts.

These sociocultural issues must be addressed in our educational system. We need to instill admiration and human decency in our children and grandchildren. We need to raise up a group who will contribute to the betterment for women.

Why should we hold women accountable for their victimization? Why do we have to regulate what they do to their bodies. Women should be granted the same choice flexibility that we granted to men. We ought to hold men to the same standards that we hold women to. It ought to be just, right? Everybody must be treated with dignity and respect because we are all ethical.

The ways of life and ought to continue to improve.

The transformation begins with you. Become informed. Be mindful of ideas and attitudes that are genuinely offensive to women. Call out those who hold gender stereotypes beliefs. Our thoughts, our interactions with others, the compartments we create on social networking sites, and everything else are where the change begins.

We need to start improving the universe for our future son and daughter.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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