2023 Christmas - "An answered Prayer".

Good day to you and welcome to my blog.

Sharing my Christmas experience with you is a privilege I am so grateful for, I believe the prayers of my friends on Hive were answered in a way. Although, it was not answered the way I wanted it but it was actually answered in a more unique way.
I was expecting a boring Christmas but I got a pleasant and eventful one. In one of my previous posts, I said I wished to spend my Christmas with my extended family and that I want to see them again. On getting to my mom's place, I could see that the Chickens she was rearing are now big and I was expecting her to put them up for sale. To my surprise, she said they are gifts to her brothers and sisters and I am to go and deliver it to them at their different locations.
I was happy because I get to see them again. I saw my nephews and nieces all grown and some of them couldn't recognize me again. It was a great reunion for me as we were sharing our past experiences and also planning a get together party. I was given gifts in cash and kind. All these happened before Christmas day.

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On Christmas day, my neighbor came to call me to assist her with cooking. It was a very beautiful experience because I learnt how to pound yam (Iyan). I am from Ogun State so, I don't eat pounded yam that much, in my state pounded yam is a food meant for dignitaries. This food is common among Ekiti and Ondo people, my neighbor is from Ekiti so she showed me how it is been done. My first pounded yam had lumps but as I continued I got better. I ate pounded yam with vegetables ( Efo Elegusi) and it was so delicious. We also cooked Jollof rice and Fried rice which we shared to the people on our street and the next street. My mom was also with us, we graced the day with dancing as music was played to celebrate God's mercy and grace.


On boxing day, I called all my old friends and one of them invited me over to her place and I went there the following day. she just got married to one of our mates so, it was a moment of sharing old school stories. She shared how things has been with her and I did too. I told her my plans for next year and that i will need a laptop. I was happy when she gave me a laptop to go and repair so that, I can learn the skills I needed. I will only need to fix the screen of the laptop. This season was indeed a blessing to me.
My lessons from all of these are God hears, share your story and be grateful. I'm looking forward to on the 1st because I will be cooking for my neighbors to celebrate my mom's birthday.
I thank all who prayed for me, your prayers were answered and I pray for more joy for you all.
Long live ladies of Hive!
Long live Nigeria!
Long live All!

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