My Mother, My Priceless Jewel.

There is a saying that goes thus: “Everything created by God is beautiful” but do you know that there is one particular thing created by God and is the most fantastic thing on earth? That’s your mother. A mother is a female parent. Not just a female parent but one who gave birth to you. The one who gave you life and carried you in her womb for over nine months. Mothers should be like our mini gods and we ought to appreciate them every now and then.

How do you feel when you’re not comfortable?

Everyone feels bad when they are not comfortable and that’s why so many people go to the hospital maybe when they feel like there’s a lump in any part of their body. What’s the most delicate part of the body? The stomach right?

Now imagine a human being carrying another human in her womb not even for a week but for a whole nine months. Feeling discomfort just to make sure that she gives you life. Who else can do that for you if not for your mother? She hasn’t even met you but decided to give you life out of her.


Have you ever been in the labor room?

I have been in the labor room with my aunt once since I haven’t given birth and I can testify that women go through hell when they want to give birth. Imagine a person feeling discomfort while carrying you for nine months and still went through hell when she was about to give you life.

Who gave you life?

Who provided for you when you couldn’t do anything for yourself?

Who goes through pain just to make sure that you survive and be a great person in life?

Image taken with my phone camera

Who stoops so low to do some menial jobs she’d never do on a normal day just to make sure that she feeds you?

And even when you must have been very rude, who do you turn back to when things don’t go well?

Who is your prayer warrior?

Who suffered a lot to bring you this far?

Are there two answers to every of these questions? No!!!
That person who does all of this for you is your mother.

Your mother is the priceless jewel God has provided for you. It’s sad that some people no longer have their mum on earth. Well, nothing lasts forever but if your mother is still alive. You don’t have to wait for the official Mother’s Day to make her happy or give her gifts. Everyday should be Mother’s Day.


Mother’s are golden and should be honored as it was said in the Bible.

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