Loh Contest #202 ~ The Stigma Of Hair Loss.

Everyone wants to look beautiful even though some people’s fashion sense may looks kinda awkward to us. For we ladies, one of our best ways of making ourselves look more beautiful is by making our hair.
I think the only reason why some ladies tend not to make their hair is because they either do not have the money to do it which has happened to me so many times or maybe they are scared of the pain.


Our hair can look actually beautiful but trust me, there is pain behind the hair we have made and that’s why you hear some people say that they hair is making them feel some pain.

Can hair loss be distressing?

Imagine seeing a particular style online and you fell in love with it but when it is time for you to make the hair, you realize that you hair cannot do that particular style because you are suffering from hair loss, how would you feel? I know you’re surely going to feel bad.
I know tens of women who can’t do their preferred hairstyle just because of hair loss and it makes them feel bad in one way or the other that they cannot prove their desired fashion sense.

Have I experienced hair loss?

Honestly, this has been happening to me right from when I was a baby. Do you know that I have tried different measure just to at least make sure that my hair grows long and thick just like every other hair but it isn’t working for me and makes me feel bad and at the end of the day, I made a conclusion that naturally, I don’t have hair or I’m not meant to have hair.


I have faced so much discrimination about this and that’s why I told you that women who experience this always feel sad because it’s happening to me.
There are even some times when my friends make a joke about the fact that my hair is short and very light and we all laugh together but deep down in me, I feel sad about the whole thing but they are not to be blamed because it is not their fault.

If there is anything you can recommend to me just to make sure that my hair grows long and thick, please do so and I’m surely going to appreciate your kindness.

Thanks for visiting!

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