Loh Contest #192 ~ Friendship Doesn’t Cost A Dime.

What is friendship?

Friendship is the state of being friends, in good terms or cool with each other in the sense that you all can share what’s up with you and can also have trust in each other. The basic importance of friendship is love. It isn’t possible to be friends with someone you don’t love. Also, this does not really have to be a romantic love. It’s a normal thing to also love your gender just as friends or family members.

How much does friendship mean to me?

Friendship means a lot to me. Friendship means trust, love and even happiness. If you’re ever opportune or lucky to meet good friends, you’d get to realize that good friends make you happy and always have your back.


Friendship to me is not just about talking to each other, backbiting or doing all sorts of things. Friendship to me can mean supporting each other and helping us to achieve our goals. It can also mean fighting for each other whenever it is necessary, trusting each other and not having any reason to break that trust and not deceiving each other. If you find all of these qualities in one person, hold them tight because it shows that they are good friends.

Can I make new friends easily?

Fortunately for me, I was brought up with love. Once I meet people, I tend to treat them well because they are strangers and we never can tell if or how we’d meet again. Through the way I treat people, it’s always easy for them to fall in love with me and if that happens, they’d want to be my friend.

Also, I’m very friendly and respectful. I tend to mingle fast with people I’ve not met before and also flow with them. I think this is why it is easy for me to make new friends coupled with the fact that I’m an extrovert. I go out a lot and I don’t think anyone who doesn’t really go out will find it easy to make new friends.


In a nutshell, I find making friends a very easy task for me and if we meet, we can be friends under a hour because I’m skilled in making people smile.

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