Loh Contest #188 ~ Who People Really Think I Am.

Let me start this post talking about some celebrities. If you check other social networks like X, Instagram and so on, you’d realize that so many people say different things about celebrities and if you make proper findings, you’d get go know that they are mostly based on assumptions. None of these people coming online to say different things have never met those celebrities offline or face to face and they don’t have any direct experience with the celebrity.


This is just to tell you that no matter how good or bad you can be, there will always be something people will say about you. There are even sometimes when you’d get shocked by what people have said because that’s not really who you are but you may be too tired to clear the air and stuffs like that. Also, you must have heard what people say about you and it makes you wonder if truly you are like that.

How do people see me?

The way people see me is in two ways and I’d give explanation to that.
Firstly, a lot of people see me as one rude girl who lack manners. There is no one I can’t challenge be it an elderly or younger person. If you’re wrong, I can question you but I always make sure that I’m not rude with it. I think a lot of people misunderstand that and say that I’m rude. I’m no more shocked about that because I’ve heard it countless times.

Secondly, a lot of people think I’d be a lose girl because I love to go to parties and clubs. Well, that has actually reduced and no more like before. There was a time when I could go to the club everyday of my life without getting tired but a lot of people feel I go to clubs to engage in prostitution but fail to understand that I am just having fun and making myself happy.

How I wish people saw me?

I wish people just understand my plight. I actually wish people see me the way I see myself. That’s all. There are times when some people have some misconceptions about me due to what they have heard from another person and they choose maybe not to give me a job because this has affected me in different ways. I can’t start clearing the air. It may make sense but I’m not that girl who talks too much so it is better to keep mute and watch all they do.


Also, no matter how perfect you can be, there will still be a few things to complain of about you and people will always talk so make sure you live not to impress anyone but yourself.

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