Life they say, is a journey on a train with its stations with changes of routes, and with accidents. Another said life is like a Glass a time,it's filled and later empty. These are just a few of people's perspective views on life's ideology. But I believe we're living a borrowed life.

This is how I convince myself every day to live because I'm aware of the fact that this life is solely not mine. It's a gift from the universe, a temporary gift from our creator. And upon realizing this, It's better to make every moment of my life precious and note that every breath is a gift and every day is a new chance.

The truth remains that we are sojourners on earth. My travels and exploits in this world are only a tiny fragment of my eternity. This fragment is called time. And in this fragment, I believe that someday, once it's over, I'll be leaving footprints behind. This is also applicable to everyone out there some people's footprints are faint and almost unnoticed, some invincible while others leave behind beautiful, deep and larger footprints. This is the type I look forward to leaving behind and I'm working towards achieving this.

Sometimes you might begin to wonder how to leave behind such giant deep footprints. You need to be rich, to be a legend or probably you need to do great. That's not true at all, the fact remains that the little things we do in life are what builds us and makes us amazing. To leave these footprints behind it's important that I live with intentions not just for myself but for others as well, the little smile you bring to people's faces can never be forgotten that is why I do the little I can to bring smiles to a lot of persons faces whenever I'm around them cause I never know when my time will be up. To leave these footprints behind you love without condition. I live my life in such a way that I make efforts for the people I love and not excuses.

I spread love everywhere I go, I don't let anything bother me at all. I just want to live up, dream big but then work for the present that I'm living for. Another is to laugh often life is too short to get upset all the time and bear grudges amongst others, if anyone offends me, I don't care if I'm at fault or not I quickly apologize and then move on, How can I decide to bear a grudge with someone with a borrowed life? That can't be me. I say sorry and move, end of matter.
The last and most important thing is to learn continually. Everyone thinks that learning ends in School but that's not true, we learn every day. We try our best in our daily activities to realize our purpose in life and then work towards fulfilling because this was one of the best blessings life gave to us, so we try to utilize this purpose in our daily lives.

Life is indeed beautiful, amazing and wonderful but only the living can testify about this so while still alive, why not live wisely, live your life to the fullest you can, make it a masterpiece and leave no room for regrets. I'm telling you this is how I live and I know that someday when I'm long gone, the beautiful footprints I've left behind will be seen and heard through many generations to come.

Picture is mine

Thank you ladies for reading, see you on my next blog.

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