How I handle failure:LOH #200

Failure is an inevitable part of life. Nobody can control bad experiences that happen in their lives. There's no great man that didn't experience failure, but we can always control how we react to failure.
Failure teaches us a lot of life lessons. It is an upsetting experience.
Having known this, it is normal for anyone to be upset or feel bad when they fail. No one can feel happy about it.
So whenever I fail, I always give myself the permission to feel and express my disappointment. Pretending or suppressing feelings is not going to help. If I feel like crying out, I cry to be relieved.


Another thing I do is to learn from it. Every failure comes with a lesson and experience. To me, failure is a process that leads to success and growth, because if you don't fail you can't learn. So I sit and meditate and think about what caused the failure and try to make amends.
I also try to avoid isolating myself during this process, so I don't let it break me completely. I rather take it in good faith and stand up and go to places, meet people and get inspired. Whenever I get inspired, nothing can stop me. Most times when we get inspired, we often forget about the past and focus on the future.
After facing failure, it's important never to give up. Giving up is never an option. We fail to learn and fall to rise. I would appreciate myself for the little achievement I have and prove to myself that I am capable of doing anything I want, rather than giving up.
In life, I learn that failure gives us a clear understanding of how things work, in business, money, about people, relationships and so on. Failure serves as a teaching tool for improvement and makes us better counselors with experiences.

This is my response to this contest Ladies Of Hive #200

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