My favorite season :#loh 204

Hello everyone, Good Afternoon and welcome to my blogs

Here's something I can't get enough of during the dry season. It's my own little piece of happiness, warmth, and comfort. More than just a change in weather, it stands as a symbol of freedom and opportunities that I long for. Unlike the rainy season, it most often keeps me indoors. The dry season just wants me to be out there.

The best part of the dry season, probably, is that it's the period of physical activities. I like jogging, walking, or even hikin just taking a long stroll down the street. The fun part of the exercises is, the warm sunny days don't make me feel heavy.

It's a clear sky with vivid sights and giving strength feeling that pushes me to go beyond my limits, taking pleasure in the beauty of nature. The weather, in this way, becomes an added exciting element for outdoor games, be it jogging in the park or spending time on hiking trails with friends.

Life with friends takes a different course at this time. All of these togetherness moments turn out into long-standing memories and help fortify bonds. The atmosphere is so jolly, relaxed with laughter, and full of good conversation. Plus, being able to collect the outdoors makes every engagement just that much more special and feel alive.

And then the rainy season just feels stuck. Cheers to the rain that feeds the plants and bathes Spot in delicious earthy essence, So, it only makes the dry season's open invite to wonder, exercise and have fun even more.

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