This must be a game


I'm pretty exhausted. This game saps all my energy, it keeps one on her toes allday everyday. There's a popular saying I do hear my friends say, 'you snooze you loose', I never gave it a real thought until this period, its the real thing, if you snooze in this my new environment, you'd loose.

I am serving in a military school in the barracks and I'm seeing life differently in two major ways. Firstly, soldiers are not as scary as I perceived. They are actually very nice individuals when they want to be, but mind you they can be your best friend and your worst enemy and then be your friend again.

The order is everything to them. You can just be smiling and having a little chit chat with a soldier but once an order is given the soldier against you, you'd be considered the enemy. You might take the matter to heart but they're just doing their job nothing more. I know this happens in other spheres of life but this is where I am getting to experience it first hand.

Another thing I have seen here is that the walls truly have ears. Colleagues are not the best at keeping secrets, most are gossips and they do it at an alarming rate that you might be summoned by the superior before leaving the place where you told the first person.

Rumors fly faster than the truth. This is one of the purest truth you might ever hear. One day, two students were discussing, maybe innocently maybe not, but the rumor I heard from the next person beside me couldn't be justified by the innocent chit chat I saw.

These days, one just has to be careful for nothing just as the Bible has said. One has to be very protective of his name and the kind of rumors thats being spread against it. Every conversation feels like a transaction, you have be on top of your game without making it obvious otherwise you loose.

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