Loh Contest #204 ~ Know Where You Belong.

In today’s world, if you follow up with marriage news, you will find out that the rate of divorce is high. Sometimes, its the fault of the man and sometimes that of a woman. This depends on what happened and I even found out that cheating is one of the less reasons why people divorce these days. Maybe they felt there are more serious issues than that.


A husband told his wife that he wishes her to say "okay" and "yes" to whatever he says to avoid further discussions or arguments. What would you do if you were in her shoes? Would you agree and nod to everything even when it is against your will or feelings?

This makes no sense to me and it is one of the major reasons why we have too many divorces today. Why will a man say that he only wants his voice, say and opinion in his house? So, what’s going to be the impact of the woman in the house? For decoration?

I think this is where the mistake comes from. A lot of people these days marry just because they love the lady but not because they feel she is relevant enough that they can rub minds together and bring ideas to make each other’s lives better.
That’s why when some women find out, they mostly leave the marriage.

Any household that is set under a law like this is very likely to be boring and may fail. Women are supposed to be supporters just as it is written in the Bible. Men should learn to embrace their woman so she could speak.


Dear women, our voices must be heard and if you ever find yourself in a place where your voice is not heard, leave that place because it’s not for you.

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