Freelancing vs.Traditional Employment, Two different lifestyle [LOH #199]

Greetings, my amiable ladies of the Hive community. This week, we are presented with an interesting topic to deliberate on, and I will be sharing my thoughts on the topics below:

1️⃣ Based on your own job hunting and work experiences, which do you prefer, working from home as a freelancer or working outside the home where you get stable monthly pay? Why? 𝐀𝐍𝐃/ / 𝐎𝐑 ~

2️⃣ Explore how each option (freelancing vs. traditional employment) impacts work-life balance, considering factors such as time management, personal freedom, and the demands of clients vs. employers.


The freedom of creating my own schedule is quite lovely and more relaxing when compared to the pressure I passed through working outside home, where I get a stable monthly payment. Although I must admit that freelancing comes with its own challenges. Most times, the money you earn isn't stable, and you are not even too sure about your next earning. Also, if you don't work for some time, maybe due to illness or any other unavoidable reasons, there's no paycheck coming at the end of the day because you are your own boss. This seems to be the downside of being a freelancer, but still, it offers a better work-life balance for me.

When I was a traditional employee, I faced pressure from the MD to always deliver. I had just minimal time for myself and my family. Managing my home with the job came with lots of sacrifices on my end, and yet, finding work-life balance was a battle. My husband was always complaining about how I wasn't attending to some areas in my home; the MD, on the other hand, wants the best from me in order to impress his clients. There were two forces dragging my attention, and those days, I can vividly remember how I ignored myself, including my health, on the quest to meet up with numerous demands on my table. Some weekends weren't out of the job, and sometimes I can't even say no considering the circumstances surrounding the job.

I will also admit how my traditional job gave me the avenue to build relationships with other employees and learn amazing things alongside. This job brought out the best in me, as I do face businessmen and women while doing presentations. I got some kind of exposure that I may not have had while working from home.

However, we all have different living situations and commitments. Like I stated in my title, these are two very different lifestyles, and as much as I prefer freelancing because it gives me the opportunity to plan myself, work from home, and attend to my family, the monthly kind of job is also great and suitable for many people.

Overall, it's all about which kind of job suits you better, and of course, you go by what feels right to you. My work preference remains freelancing, as it gives me the opportunity to control my time.

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