Embracing Change and Thriving This Year

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.- Helen Keller

Hello ladies of hive community! I hope you’re having a great day. This is my entry to this weekend ladies of hive contest. I would like to go with the second topic which talks about our direction in life this year. Last year was a really good one for me and this year, I plan on making the best out of each day.

Life is about growth and with growth comes change which balls down to discipline and compromise. You can’t grow if you’re not ready to make changes in your life and to make these changes you require some level of discipline and compromise.

I’m not one who likes being stagnant. Everyday, I evolve in my quest to be better version of myself. Last year I made a lot of changes in my life which I’m glad I did and this year I have a list of changes I want to see in my life. So, let’s have them.


Most people find themselves living their lives for others and by the time the realize it would have been too late. Last year, one of my goals was to put myself first because everyone else would put himself first. There was a time in my life when I realized I wasn’t doing much for myself but I was rather going all out for people who wouldn’t do same for me. I had so many bad experiences which led me to promise myself that I would always come first for myself no matter what. This year, the goal is to put myself first in all I do.


If procrastination was a person, it would have been me. Sometimes I get too comfortable to the extent that I get lazy and in the end I postpone almost all the things on my to-do list. Last year was better in this aspect as I learnt to do away with the habit of procrastination but it wasn’t to the extent I wanted. This year, I aim to do better in this aspect of my life because no one is going to do all of these stuff for me.


Investing in oneself is very important in our individual lives. Over the years, many factors have contributed to me taking care of myself less and less without even realizing it. I deserve better from myself and if I can’t do better for myself how do I expect others to do better for me. This year, I plan to invest in myself in all aspects in order to attain growth.


Last year, I was able to save some amount of money which served a good purpose for me during the course of the year. I understand the importance of saving and I always make it a point to save the little extra money I have because you never know when emergencies will arise. This year, the goal to save more than I saved last year because I know these savings can be a life saver for me later.

This must seem like a lot to you but it happens to be just a part of changes I want to see in my life this year. I know that I am on the right track and I will make sure to be on my toes constantly working to see all these changes I want to achieve in my life. I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

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