Staying Strong In Difficult Moments - LOH Contest #170


Hello beautiful people! Welcome to my space! This post is in response to some deep questions posed by @danigada18 and brought to life by @thekittygirl . Please, see screenshot below 👇 as I will be answering the first question.

Screenshot taken from this post

Before I got to this point in my life, sometimes I have been tempted to feel that I have had more than my own fair share of difficult moments in this life journey. I mean, who wouldn't feel like that after having to deal with the loss of a father, the loss of a 3 month old baby, miscarriage, financial and business struggles... too much for one person, right?

Thinking like this made me irritable,
sad and unhappy. I felt like the world was too unfair.
The sad thing, though, is that I didn't even know that these emotions were reflecting themselves back to me in my daily life. I was living those days like someone carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.

The reality is that there are so many people who are going through or have gone through one or all of the issues that I have mentioned above. Some are even experiencing worse cases or harsher circumstances. It is difficult, however, to really understand this without having to take my eyes off myself.

Looking back, I realized that even during those very difficult and tough times, there were moments that I seemed to be above the situations (and I actually was, haha). Yes, there were times I was in control. Some of these times include the following:
🔸️When I tried to think of the good things happening in my life.
🔸️When I spent time chatting with people who genuinely show understanding for my situation, people who relate with me without judgement.
🔸️Times spent in meditation and worship - these were very helpful.
🔸️Taking walks and listening to natural sounds around me.
🔸️Reading and journaling helped me a
great deal.
🔸️Practicing deep breathing and focusing on the good things

My Recommendations
Having shared my personal experience, the actions I would recommend to help keep control in difficult moments would include
🟠Practicing gratitude
🟠Finding and joining support groups
🟠Engaging in meditation and prayer
🟠Intentionally doing what makes you happy
🟠Staying away from insensitive and judgemental people
🟠Seeking professional help if needed
🟠Deep breathing and mindfulness

Above all, remember that someone somewhere is going through the same situation as you are, or even worse.

Having said that though, I would like to say that your feelings and emotions are totally valid. You are not silly, unreasonable or hysterical. But staying in negative emotions will keep you down and under, and the recommendations I have given above can help uplift your mood and emotions and help you stay above and in charge, like a Victor not a victim.

Thank you for reading my post. I, @ngwinndave authored it, and I appreciate the time you spent reading it. Please, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section, and I will get back to you.

First picture is an Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay
Screenshot was taken from this post

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