Ladies of Hive Community Contest #76 - My Happy Place

This week @ladiesofhive comes up with 2 questions
1️⃣ Do you have a real-life hero? If so, who would that be and why?
2️⃣ If you could pick a favorite "happy place," where would that be?

Both the questions are equally exciting for me to write on, but I will choose option 2 as that is more connected with me at personal level.

A Happy place is where we can lose our self and we can also find our self. Having our own little space is something very sacred. Something that is only created for us and meant for us. The place that we make it as our happy place kind of defines us and speaks a lot about who we are, as in that reflects our character.

My Happy Place is my Meditation and Prayer Room, it is one place where I can spend all the 24 hrs of my day without not getting bored. That does not mean that I sit and pray all through out the day. It is also my activity room, where I do my Yoga, tarot reading, conduct my classes, do my healing work, and also my afternoon naps, So ideally it also is my work and rest space.

This space is highly energized, through out the day I have some good mantras which keeps playing in this room and it spreads out a good amount of positivity not only in this room but my overall home.

In Mumbai, my original home, I have a smaller house, so I could never get a complete separate space of my own, I had created a small space in my bedroom itself for all of my work, but when I shifted to Muscat 6.5 years back, I had decided that I will get my own personal private space which would be all to myself, and I managed to get a bigger house, where I could create this space.

So here is my little happy place, it's a very open room, I have some very basic things here. I do not wish to clutter it, I want to keep it open and free. So I have my Altar, a book stand and one sofa chair, which I never use but it is for my clients.

That's my little space which has a lot of things, all those that I feel connected with, my Crystals and Statues of Lord Ganesha and others.

I do many rituals also in this place. This one is from one of the Angel Hosting ritual that I had done.

I do my healing sessions with the clients here. This place is a very sacred place for me. Whoever walks into this space, always tell me that they feel very calm and relaxed in this space. I bet, I have created it in that manner, giving our lot of positive energy here. A Diya is lit up in this room 24x7, it never goes off, unless I am travelling. Regularly I keep doing sage clearing as well, because with healings and when people come there is a lot of energy that they leave behind, so that needs a constant clearing.

My classes also happen here, nothing better than this place


I do my Yoga here

In the other furniture, there is a book stand in this room

There is a small balcony attached to this room, where I have my plants

These are some and there are few on the other side also

My Desert Rose plant has been in it's full glory, so many flowers have come out. I do not pluck them, so they dry out and fall off.


This is my Happy Place, what do you all think about it.

I will like to invite @soyunasantacruz to participate in this contest.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


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