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I am grateful for lots of people and moments in 2023. Grateful for the good, the bad, the ugly. For the gift of life and love and nature, I am grateful.

I am grateful for the gift of amazing strangers that helps with no expectancy. Grateful for the gift of good and genuine friends that stick around at all time and seasons. They never judge and they never deny me. They see and hear me.

I travelled to the Northern part of the country and met amazing strangers turned friends. They accepted me with full hands and treated me like one of their own. As a corp member in a strange land, while my mates in other states and nearby were discussing our tough it was, I could not relate because I was well taken care of where I was posted.

One of the most beautiful moment I am grateful for in 2023 was the moment I spent with my friends. It's been seven years since I've seen and held them, but 2023 gave me the gift of holding them in my arms again. It was a beautiful moment.

Another beautiful moment I am grateful for is the moment I spent with my students. Those kids mean the world to me and I cannot bear to see them sad. Our cuddles, random hugs, jokes and laughter. The questions and answer session, the movie nights, the random talks and the bond between us.

All in all, I am grateful for the gift of myself, my strength, and the love I share to everyone around me. I appreciate how I come through for everyone even in my darkest moments, how I applaud and praise them , how I encourage and push them to get better. Above all, I appreciate myself for being strong and never given up, some days are hard, some days are really tough but I survived and still surviving, I applaud myself for not giving up.

Dear SELF,

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Thank you for the beautiful moments you gave me, thank you for handling and dealing with life beautifully. I see and applaud your strength. Thank you for all you do for everyone around you. Thank you for being You. I LOVE YOU!

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