182 LOH: Dealing with stress

Having a job means you need to prepare yourself for whatever challenges that might happen when you are rendering your service. Stress is an inevitable thing in every job whether you are being employed or it's a personal work, stress will certainly come in at one point in time.

My line of work makes it possible for me to communicate with kids from different homes during weekdays, it's a must I talk and sometimes shout because some kids are just so adamant that you wonder the kind of upbringing they have.

I must say being a teacher isn't easy at all, there are times I will be lost on what to do. The only thing that would come to my mind is just to put my head on my desk to allow it to cool off because at some point if I have over stress myself, I will be running temperature and I hate it.


How do I deal with stress:

I rest well and avoid the "girl is good" kind of accolades🤣
I don't accept all tasks at all, I know my limits and once my body tells me to stop, I stop. I hate having health discomfort so I try my best to avoid it, I don't take over tasks because I've been previously praised for a particular job, no way! I do the little I can at work and when I need rest I go for it because it is very important and I don't joke with my resting period at all.

I do not take my work home
Whether during the examinations or in the cause of the term's work, I do not take my work home. I let whatever happens at work stays at work, even if the work is very important, I will stay extra time after school closes to complete the task. I hate adding to my house chores, so any work that is meant to be done at work will definitely be solved there.

I sake for help from my colleagues
Having loving colleagues is one of the best things in the world, sometimes when I feel that my task might overwhelm me, I try to sake for help from my colleagues and in most cases they usually render help. And this will help me get my work done in the twinkle of an eye.

So far, I've been handling job stress very well and it hasn't led to any health discomfort or problems within my family. And no I wouldn't prefer to take my work home at all because I don't want it to tamper with my chores.
Note: the picture is mine

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