Village Festival - nostagia for my hometown

What was the best thing about the place where you grew up?

I was born in a suburban village, where the old and the new are intertwined in everyday life. Along with the development and modernization of society, life in my hometown has also changed a lot. However, one thing that never changes is the annual village festival at the beginning of the spring.


This festival is a traditional custom of my hometown. This is an opportunity for people in the village to offer gifts to thank the village god for giving us good fortune in the old year and pray for peace and prosperity in the new year. The village festival is also an opportunity for villagers to prepare offerings together, and to show their neighbourliness.


I have been living abroad for over 6 years and every year my village festival still takes place and my parents still always send me pictures of the festival atmosphere and ask me "will you come back next year to see the festival?". Yeah, it's a hard question for me because who know next year the rush of life will another time make me unable to stop and miss village festival again.


But for sure I know that I'll always have a chance to join the village festival again.

This is my entry for Ladies of Hive Contest #46 hosted by @melinda010100. Thank you so much @melinda010100 for giving this meaningful question and thank you my friend @thu172 for inviting me (I did it 😊). And I would love to invite @winnietran to join me in this contest as well.

Thank you so much for reading!

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