My joys and sorrows in 2022

Hi, Hivers friends and Ladies of the Hive family. Good afternoon and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope, at the end of 2022, we will still be given health and blessings by God. In today's post, I would like to answer a question from @thekittygirl as the 114th #LOH contest. In the life we live, there must be joy and sadness. I want to answer both of these questions in one post.

My Greatest joy in 2022

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After four years of studying at university, I finally graduated from university and earned my S.Psi degree, and was accepted to work as an assistant child psychologist at the Psychology Bureau of Marsha Puntadewa in the city of Medan. Surely you have also experienced the difficulty of compiling a thesis and final college assignment? Sometimes, I have to stay up late to complete a paper at the end of the semester, but the results of the assignment are rejected and must be corrected again. After three months of completing my final thesis to get a bachelor's degree, I finally graduated with pretty good grades. Graduating from college this year is my greatest joy. Even after graduating, I was accepted to work and could have a salary every month without having to ask my parents again.

My Greatest Sorrow in 2022

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In 2022, I felt deep sorrow last October. The sorrow came when I was betrayed by my friend. The incident started when I wanted to buy a cellphone through an online application, but my friend recommended buying it from someone on Facebook. She told me that she had just bought with the seller for the best quality and a slightly lower price. At first, I didn't trust online sellers on Facebook or Telegram. But my friend said that she knows the seller. I also did it by transferring money first. However, the next day my account was blocked and my friend disappeared. It's not how much money I've been scammed, but the way she's treating me like this is upsetting. Even though I have known her since I was in college in the early semester. Once even hitched at my house for two months. But she had the heart to betray me as her friend. This is very sad.

And I hope that 2023 will be a good year for me. Hopefully, tomorrow 2023 will bring warmth, love, and light to guide my path toward a positive and better goal. Thank you very much for your time willing to visit and read this post. Greetings and blessings.

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