Extreme Fishing Africa June winner! Lyn Maraj 😎🎣🐟


Extreme Fishing Africa is proud to bring you our exclusive Lady Angler features done by a woman for women fishing our African waters!

This week we have the June winner Lynelle Maraj our latest Assassin Lady in pink 🏆

Lynelle's fishing tale:

The happy accident!

I would have never imagined that I would ever enjoy fishing. This started as a happy accident.

During lockdown in 2020, initially we were all so uncertain of how long the lockdown would be, I urged my husband and kids to all learn a skill we wouldn't necessarily have time for during normal life. I actually started of trying to learn how to play guitar, and I went to have my guitar fixed at the mall, which was next door to a fishing tackle store. On returning to collect the guitar, I walked into the wrong store and the salesman laughed me and said maybe it is destiny that I walked into the store because fishing was the only "legal" outdoor activity during lockdown. There was a sale on that day and my husband and I bought the cheapest rods on sale because my husband didn't think I would actually like the sport.

I collected my rod and guitar that day, today I can say, I can't play the guitar but I can't wait to have my line in the water.

My husband and I learned everything we know from YouTube channels, from learning to tie fishing knots to casting, to how to reel in correctly to not lose the fish, and how to read the water and most importantly bag limits and size restrictions. I haven't met any of those professionals on the beach yet but when I do, I am going to definitely try to get them to upskill me to catch my "bucket list " fish, like mussel cracker and garrick.

I have had no formal training... the sea like in life, teaches you that you can never predict anything. I am passionate about fishing because the sport teaches me life skills that work place requires. Attributes like patience, timing, perseverance and most importantly quality over quantity! Everyday is not a good day but you can learn to be better for the next!

My first catch was a little monster fish called a Gurnard. They are not a good looking species but they do put up a great fight. It was the most exhilarating experience to feel the tug of the line and have the rod bend. That excitement never ever gets old. Every time your rod bends, even when you are on the surf and see other people's rods bed, it's extremely exciting! After my first catch, I was hooked!


Many enjoy fishing and I have seen the good, the bad and ugly side of fisherman throughout our coastline in KZN. My message to ALL anglers, is respect the ocean and the sea life by catching only what you need and obeying the size and bag limits and off seasons so our children and grandchildren can also enjoy the sport in years to come. Clean up after yourself so the sealife don't suffer excess pollution. And lastly, encourage up and coming fisherman. They need support and training. Fishing is not only one way of keeping the younger generation off the streets but also provides a meal for their home. I lastly would like to see more women fishing, it's a relaxing sport and you get a chance to realign with nature and takes alot of stress from the everyday hustle!

Lyn Maraj

Well done Lyn and thank you for your participation 🌺
Photo resources:
Extreme Fishing Africa
Lyn Maraj

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