CONTEST#137 CLITORIS AND PLEASURE(why it's always so)

The Clitoris is a small sensitive organ which corresponds to the penis in male, it is an erogenous zone. Its sole purpose is to enable you experience sexual pleasure, your clitoris is the pleasure center of your reproductive anatomy. Many people think of the clitoris as the tiny nub of flesh located at the top of the genitals (valva),but this is just the part of the clitoris that you can see. Your clitoris consists of a complex network of erectile tissues and nerve with parts located inside and outside your body.


Going down memory lane,I still remember when I heard the word "clitoris",it sounded strange to my ear, I got to know more about it in my biology class,I went further to research and know how it works in the woman body as my teacher will always mentioned, " it is the seat for excitement during sexual intercourse".
What And How The Clitoris Works:
The clitoris has a single purpose as I mentioned earlier, it enables you experience sexual pleasure. Your entire valve is an erogenous zone - that is, a part of your body that get sexually stimulated when touched. The clitoris is so sensitive to different types of touch from person to person. Contact with the tougue (oral sex), fingers, a sex toy or your partners genitals can stimulate your clitoris. Virginal penetration with a penis, finger or sex toy can stimulate the Clitoris through the Virginal walls. Feeling different types of touch by yourself will help you get familiar with the type of sensation that feels best for you. The glans Alone contains about 800 nerve endings,the clitoris has more nerve endings than other part of your valve .This glans is filled with nerve endings that makes it incredibly sensitive, it is so sensitive that applying too much pleasure or touching the glans directly during sex may feel painful.
Talking about sexual pleasures,this recent time and generation, it's never a taboo to talk about the pleasure ladies derive sexually because it helps us to nuture our relationship and appreciate ourselves, knowing and owning female pleasure and sexuality can be life-changing though I think it's one of the free gift of being a woman,our ability and capacity to experience it is congenital, it's never too late to start exploring it's bonzer possibilities.
Lastly, having full control of my Sexual pleasure? I think I do have ..yes. In as much as sexual pleasure arises,we still have to be in control of them as we do to our body, enjoy the fun but still control it in any possible way together with the opposite sex or partner.
Thanks for reading, looking forward to seeing your contributions concerning this wonderful topic.

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