Death by Chocolate Fondue

Gorgeous cool Autumn nights here in the southern hemisphere already and perfect weather for sitting around a table dipping all kinds of delicious tidbits into a fondue pot aka a caquelon, filled with a rich garlicky Swiss Cheese & wine fondue AND then move to the dessert table for a rich Chocolate & Cream fondue.

Can you believe that this old gal has never ever had a Fondue and yet I looove melted Cheese and melted Chocolate even more so!

The very best Fondues granny Google showed me was from Lorraine Elliot's not quite Nigella blog, and does it look decadent!
This lady sure knows how to tempt and her table looks amaaaazing plus she has the best sense of humour so take a peek at her blog for the very best food!

I'm firstly going to make myself at home at the decadent Death by Chocolate Fondue table being a sweet tooth, so there is no way I'm going to be a good girl and have the Cheese first, even though that looks equally delisssh!
Loads of good dippers at this table - Cherries, Strawberries, Bananas, Mandarin, Medjool Dates, Grapes, sliced Pears, Palmier cookies, Waffle pieces; one could actually go wild here!

After seeing all of this I really am inspired to have a Fondue party with special friends, anyone else want to join in?
I promise to share my own version with all of you here, but will need to get one of these special pots but could never set a table like this foodie here; we need to get her here on Hive!


Then it's on to the Cheese Fondue which I now will need to cut down all that sweetness; dippers here all look amazingly good: Falafels, Meatballs, Dolmades, Cherry Tomatoes, Snow Peas, Baby Potatoes, Prawns, Broccoli florets, French Bread cubes, Baby Corn, Radishes, Green and Black Olives, Pork Crackling and so forth and so forth.



I was tagged by @phderoes in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #30, and this week's challenge is:

1️⃣ What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?
2️⃣ What was something that started out badly for you, but in the end was great?

It would be great to see the following ladies join in - @carolynstahl, @artywink and @sreypov.

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