LOH #99 - How's my Goal for 2022?

We are already in September and soon it will be the last quarter of the year. Do you have a specific goal you want to achieve by the end of the year? Tell us about it and what you are doing or will do to achieve it.

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This question caught my interest while I was browsing and I was also tagged by @ruffatotmeee. Seems only yesterday when I celebrated my birthday and now it is fast approaching again. Yeah, we are already in the middle of September and next few days will be my birthday month. Not only that, only three months left and we will be saying goodbye to 2022.

Then I came to think of the goals that I set before the year ends last 2021. Yes, I am the type of person who tends to plan everything as much as possible. I don't want to be in a mess situation. For this year, I only had three;

To have a house of our OWN

I am already married but for the past two years, the husband and I have been living with his mother. Both of us are just normal employees; normal Filipino citizens. Buying or building our own home instantly was a struggle. Even where to settle down was hard to decide at first. My hometown was too far away from his. I think this is the struggle of a woman or maybe our culture but most of the time it was the woman who relocated. Leave her comfort zone and move out with the husband.
In order to achieve our goal, he decided to work abroad. The target completion is before this year ends. With a few months left, how was it?

I am happy to say that we are almost 80% done. Our dream house is just a bungalow type with two bedrooms and a small porch.


Nevermind the messy background. This was a few months ago as I don't have an updated photo on my phone. Now, we are only working with the wall and ceiling painting inside as everything was already done.
I already made a computation with our monthly income and sadly this won't be fully furnished this year. We both decided that instead of spending the budget for the dirty kitchen, comfort rooms for the guest (s) and ceiling outside at the porch area we will be buying furnitures. Why? so that before this year ends I could move in.

It was my goal to resign from my current job which is in Manila (capital of the Philippines) and look for another one which is near our house. If I could get a home based job, the better. I already spent years working in the capital and honestly it was tiring. Yes, everything was accessible but it was hard too. I am tired of sniffing polluted air everyday, rushing around, crowded places and noisy environments. What I want now is to wake up with the sound of nature and not from roaring engines.

I already tried to browse and look for jobs (Virtual assistant) but mostly no part time offered. I could not pursue it at the moment since I am still tied to my 9-6 day job. Plus, there are some skills required which I am not yet confident I could manage. So I am planning to enroll in online courses. Maybe when I get back from my long vacation.

Yet, on the top of these goals, what I really wanted not only but WE is a BABY. Some of my friends already knew about it as I was vocal about how I dreamed to have one. That is why every time I watch the news about babies being abandoned by their parents my heart aches. I may not be in their shoes and I don't know what triggers them to do such a thing, yet I could help but to think how lucky they are. They might not be aware but there are some couples who longed to have one, who weren't blessed.
Not that we have any medical problems, we already consulted a Doctor and done a series of tests and results are all okay. It is just that things weren't in our favor. The husband left the country last February 2020 and the next month the pandemic happened. Since then we haven't seen each other in person till now. He was supposed to come home yearly for a vacation or I will be the one to visit him but the pandemic happened which hinders our plan. As of now, we are just waiting for Taiwan to be opened for tourists so that we could spend time together. My passport is now ready. Hehe.

What about you? What are your goals for this year?

This is my entry for LOH #99.

Thank you for dropping by.

Date published: 09/15/2022

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